+Insert 89 I wore my white hemp with black buttons and a dark - TopicsExpress


+Insert 89 I wore my white hemp with black buttons and a dark coloured pair of jeans,I topped off the outfit with black chucks.. I wore little cologne on my neck and rubbed a little onto my wrist... I heard loud laughing and a loud noise in the house.. So I quickly got out of my cottage and walked into the house.. What I saw stopped my heartbeat,probably stopped the world from rotating for that few seconds.. I literally froze.. Dad:Anele! Come over here! Say hi to our guests!(he smiled as he turned to me) I wanted to walk over to them,to say something but I couldnt move a limb,I felt paralysed,locked in a different world as I looked into the devils eyes.. Cindy:Uhmm Dont worry Dad! Its just one of those minor asthma attacks! Ps Mom:(she gasped in shock) Will he be okay? Cindy:Yes! Yes!! Just a few minutes!(she walked over to me and looked me into the eyes,not opening her mouth at all,speaking through her teeth) Cindy:You start actin normal now or else you wont live after tonight! YES we get it! Your ex is here! So what? Pull yourself together!(she pretended to hit against my chest lightly) Me:Ohw.. Thanks(i rubbed my chest) Bontle:Good to know youre okay! Come on over here! They were all seated on the dining table: Dad,Bontle,Cindy,Pamies Mom,Pamies dad,her brother Sbu and Pamie herself! I felt like my world had just been turnt upside down! So much for trying to get over someone! Now you have to be in the same room with them! Bontle:Im sure youve all met them! They are quite popular! Ps Dad:If not the most popular Pastor in Pretoria! Ps Mom:Yes my husband is quite a mighty being!(she smiled at him) Me:Good Evening!(I shook all their hands) Welcome to our home. Hope theyve welcomed you! Ps Mom:They have thanks! Me:Good! Great! Anything I can help with mom before I sit? Bontle smiled,I guess she wasnt expecting me to call her mom but I had to,to set a good image hey! Bontle:oh its nothing! Everything is all set! Youre such a good boy hey!(she smiled.. Again) Me:I learn from the best(I faked a smile,looking at my dad) PS Dad:I can already see the love in this family! Wow you are truly a great family! Dad:So is your family! I mean like youre a pastor yet your children are so disciplined? Ps Dad:Wow Thank You! Dad: Usually the children are stoud(naughty) Ps dad:I agree! But I teach my children the ways of the Bible,thats why they are so Holy! Cindy:Who are you kidding(she mumbled) I pinched her arm as I was sitting next to her.. Cindy:Ouch(she whispered) Me:Behave yourself! Ps Dad:What did you say? Cindy:I said have you been swimming? Ps Dad:What? Do I look like Ive been swimming? Cindy:Yeah you look rather pale! Like you didnt use ibody cream at all! Dad shot an eye at Cindy... Ps Dad:Really? Where? Cindy:Oh its just my imagination! It must be the fact that youre sitiing in such a well lit area! Ps Mom:Yeah! Sure it is! My husband uses luxurious body creams to keep his skin as healthy as it looks! Bontle:Well thats nice.. Your husband caring about his skin.. Presumably more than you care about your own skin! Ps Mom:Oh dont put words into my mouth! Bontle:Apologies mam! Drink? Ps Mom:Yes Please! The tension in the room was rising,you could definetly cut it with a knife! Why did they organise the dinner if they know that these two families just DONT get along! Bontle:Lets leave the men to decide! I constantly caught Pamie staring at me,I guess she was in deep in thought,I hoped it was about me! But you never know with girls! We all let dad and Pamies father ramble about their busy lives and careers,the rest of the table was stuck up! Nobody was talking to anyone! I wondered whether Bontle had beef with Pamies mom because they werent talking either! Luckily something broke the ice.. Atleast I think so! Mavis:Starters are ready!(she walked into the living room with a large tray and placed the food on each of our place mats) Dad:Wow this looks delicious(he rubbed his hands together) Ps Dad:Sure does! Lets Pray!(we all held hands and Prayed,i closed my eyes,I didnt want to face anyone,anyone meaning Pamie) Ps Dad:Amen! Bontle:Enjoy!(she smiled) Everyone turned to their plate and started eating,the starter was delicious,Ma Mavis was a good cook,as always but today she had outdone herself! Ps Mom:This is really good! Mhmmm! Ps Dad:If only it was you who cooked it!(he looked at Bontle) Bontle:Oh! Why? Ps Dad:Real women cook for their families. I understand you hired her but these children need a womans touch! Bontle:They are getting that. I do cook,Ive just been busy lately but YES! I do cook! Ps Dad:Ive love to see that!(he took a mouthful off the plate,chewing enthusiastically) Bontle had a cross look on her face,but she tried her best to hide it.. Pamie:Uhmm Dad! Can I be excused... Ps Dad:Why my angel? Pamie:Im not feeling so well.. I feel constipated and this headache has been bothering me.. Can I go home? Ps Mom:Dont be ridiculous! Home for such small things! Sbu:Yeah Palesa. Just hold on,Im sure it aint serious! It was the 1st time that Id ever heard Sbu speak tonight,I guess he acts quiet around his parents! Kids with double lives though! Ps Dad:Your mom is right! Lets enjoy dinner with the Ndabas! They invited us into their homes so we just have to! Sbu:YES! Besides its just constipation,not a heart attack! Pamie:Mxm(she looked away) She was actin sick,I could tell! I could notice that Sbu was staring at Cindys boobs! Since she had decided to wear a low cut T! She was bringing all the attention to her boobs! I bet Pamies dad was looking too..lol! I couldnt bring myself to look at Pamie,but I would steal glances at her out of the corner of my eye,when I knew that nobody was watching! Great hey! Me:Go wear a shirt or something(I whispered) Cindy:Legit says dont tell me what to wear for a reason! Me:The ishh you sell its just way too much! Kanti do u want him back or something? Cindy:I dont. I just want him to know what hes missing! Ma Mavis took the empty plates and returned with our main course,MEAT! Mhmm a mans afavourite! We all immediately dug in,it tasted Heavenly! Gosh Ma Mavis was a good cook! Mhm Mhmm Mhmmmm!! Ps Dad:So,you two! I havent seen you at the Youth services! Me:Im sorry Sir but Ive just been preoccupied.. My finals are coming up and..(he interupted me) Ps Dad:you do know that God is in charge of whether you pass or fail! How will he help you pass if you dont invite him? You think hell just let himself in? You need to call out to him! Me:Okay sir. Ill go this week,enjoy the Youth service with my fellow youth! Ps dad:Good! Wena?(he looked at Cindy) Cindy:Ill be there! I Promise! Ps Dad:it feels good to lead our astray youth onto the right path! Lets just hope theyll never lose the way! Mavis:Youre right pastor!The teenagers of these days are disrespectful! No respect at all for their parents! Ps dad:Or other elders! Ai ! I dont know whether our next generarion will survive without us! Mavis:Im sure that there are a few that listened to us when we spoke!(she said as she picked up our plates from the table) Cindy:Including me(she smiled) Pamie:Dad I really dont feel well,Cant I go or something?(she mistakenly held her chest) Ps dad:Didnt you say that yu have a headache? Pamie:Yes and uhmm.. Constipation.. Its really painful! Ps Mom:Dont be ridiciulous! You cant go home for such a minor problem! Bontle:Tell you what! I have painkillers in my bag and a few constipation remedies that my son can help you with! Pamie:Thats nice but I really want to go..(she looked at her dad and immediately kept quiet,I guess he also made the rules that side) Sbu:Palesa stop actin like an attention seeker! We know youre a princess but this isnt your kingdom! Bontle:Its fine. Its fine. Constipation can be a very serious problem sometimes... Ps Dad:Well.. Youll help her with the remedy? Bontle:Only Andrew can make it! Me:Haaa Guys!i can teach Ma Mavis and she can make it! Bontle:But you can make it faster! Just grab my painkillers from my bag upstairs,it may be something serious! Me:Lets go then(I looked at Her) Pamie:Thanks(she pushed in her chair and we walked up the stairs) I was completely feeling unsure as I walked in front of her,I bet she was checking out my ass,like all men do.. Thats why they say lAdies first lol! I searched through Bontles bag and took out two pain tablets and I offered them to her.. Pamie:Thanks!(She tried to break out a smile) I was about to leave the room.. Pamie:So this is how things are going to be? Me:How? Pamie:Pretending like I dont exist? Not caring? Not even showing love or... Me:You brought this on yourself! You cant break up with someone and expect things to be hunky dory! Gosh you are really clueless when it comes to this kinda stuff! Pamie:I know everything. Trust me,I know! Me:Whatever Pamie. Wheres that boyfriend of yours? Pamie:boyfriend? Me:Yeah! The one you left me for? Pamie:Ohhh.. Him! Well hes fine.. She seemed unsure,she forgot about her own bfs name? Yeah theres something fishy definetly going on! Me:Good! Now lets go downstairs so I can make that remedy! We heard laughing from downstairs,it seemed as if everyone was connecting,I know it definetly sounded better than arguing waya-waya! Pamie:Things werent supposed to be like this.. Me:Well they are.. We dont call,text nor meet! Exs rules! Pamie:But Im not an ex!(I almost choked on air) Me:Excuse me? What? What did you say? Pamie:Im someone you love. Not an ex! Youre making it seem like I loved you and that I dont love you anymore. I do! Me:Whatever Pamie. Look,lets just admit it. Me and you? Like oil and water! Like the inert elements on the periodic table.. We just DONT react! Pamie:We are,we will!! (she held my hand) Me:Hawa! Dont do for me! I switched off the light as she still stood in the roomm... Me:The Im sorry card doesnt work on me anymore! Its much better maybe on your new boyfriend? Pamie took a deep breath.. Pamie:Its nothing to worry about. If youre fine. Im fine,were fine! Me:Good! Because I have better things to do! Pamie:Like what? You have a lot of girls neh? Any girl,perhaps Dineo? Does she do you? Me:She does,somewhere here and there! Pamie:Shut up)she walked out of the room) You have your things so we can leave? Pamie:Yeah!(she crossed her arms,I probably ignored her the whole time) We walked down the stairs,Pamie held her stomach,gosh she made a really bad actor... A good one would lean forward and pretend as if even walking was hard! Ama tips,take notes (Y) Ps Mom:All better hun? She shook her head.. Bontle:Im sure shell be fine after Andrews super remedy! Ps mom:What is in that remedy though? Bontle:Oh its just two simple things! I walked to the kitchen,Pamie still following me with her hand on her stomach.. Me:Youre such a drama queen(I searched around the cupboards) Pamie:what is in that remedy? I dont do shady stuff! Me:I know Mam. I know!(I took out Olive oil and lemon juice) Pamie:Eww olive oil? I hate olives!!!? Me:Your problem!(I handed her a teaspoon) Pamie:Im going to drink this? Me:NO! Youre going to shove it up your ass(I rolled my eyes) Pamie:Mxm! You could at least try to be civil with me.. Me:I am. Its already enough that we live right next door each other and that we breathe the same air.. Let it not be any worse! Pamie:Whatever! How should I drink this? Me: A teaspoon each! Be careful not to spill any on the floor! Pamie:Okay then(she drank the olive oil,rolling out her tongue,gosh she was actin childish) I looked away,tapping my fingers on the counter waiting for her to finish.. She drank the teaspoon of lemon juice as she held her nose,I guess she didnt wanna taste a thing.. Pamie:All done(she smiled) Oh that smile! I took the bottles and I put them back into the cupboards.. The two families were seated in the living room watching some funny clips as they all laughed while they enjoyed their dessert... Pamie:I miss you! Me:I know. Its hard not to!(I smiled) Pamie:Back to your old self I see... Me:Nah.. Im just a little more Honest than Ive ever been in my life.. Pamie:Then be a little Honest and tell me whether you love me.. Me:I cant answer that(I looked away,avoiding eye contact,i didnt want her to see right through me) Pamie:Its fine. I guess youre over me already! Me:Why would there be anything wrong with that? Isnt that what Im supposed to do? Especially after you dumped me like a dog! Pamie:I didnt mean to.. I just.. Me:You what? Pamie:Its nothing(she turned her back to me) I gained my confidence as she looked away.. I took one step forward,so only she could hear what I could say.. Me:Does he love you like I do??(I whispered) Pamie:I.. I..i dont know.. I took a step closer.. Me:Kiss you like I do?(I said,practically breathing on her neck,so she could feel my warm presence) She shook her head.. Me:Then you should miss me(I kissed her lightly on the neck,smelling her sweet scent,she smelled great,just like a rose and tasted even better) A frozen rose because she didnt move after our little peck.. Pamie:We cant do this.. Me:I know! But why does it feel so good being around you? Could you answer that? Pamie:Because.. Because we have chemistry.. Me:And I doubt anyone will ever have our chemisty! So what are you doing with him Pamie? Pamie:I... I.. I dont know.. Me:You do know.. The answer is right in front of you,in this case,right behind you(I hugged her tighter) She giggled.. Pamie:Idiot! Me:I know.. We stayed still,quiet,in our embrace,things werent awkward,I was just too relieved that I,Anele Ndaba was holding my loved one in my hands.. Me:Do you love me? Pamie:I love you.. Me:Then be with me!(I put my arms around her waist,by then I didnt care if our family could see us,I just cared about making Pamie melt) Pamie:I cant(she whispered softly) Me:Why? Pamie:Because Ill get hurt.. Me:But I wont hurt you.. I Promise I wont Pamie.. Ill be..(she turned around,facing me) She had tears in her eyes and she put her finger onto my mouth) Pamie:Shhhhh... You wont hurt me.. Me:Who will? Sbu? She shook her head as she looked into my eyes... Pamie:Shell hurt me.. Me:Whos she? Pamie:Ive said enough! Me:Pamie I said whos she maybe I can get her off your back! Pamie(I held her by her wrist) Pamie:Andrew! Dont make this any harder than it is! Me:Fine.. I wont.. Just.. (I stood right in front of her and planted a kiss on her forehead,rubbing the side of her face softly,gosh I really missed this girl) Ps Dad:Whats taking you two so long? Come join us!(he shouted) She stepped away from me,shaking.. Pamie:Okay Dad! Were coming! I held her hand.. Me:Pamie Just explain to me.. Whos she? Sbu:You better go! Pamie:Oh.. Sure(she let go of my hand quickly) Me:Pamie! Pamie:Shap! (she walked out first,ladies first they say) But unfortunately I couldnt follow,I was still in my thoughts.. Who was this she? I mean like no one hates me and Pamie that much excpet Buki and Dineo! And they obviously didnt do it! Sbu:Wena! Stay away from my sister(he stood right in front of me) Me:You know that,thats NOT going to happen! Me and Pamie? Were tight! Like this(I crossed my fingers and held them up to him) Sbu:Then explain why she isnt with you! Me:Complications! And Im about to solve them.. Soon! Shell be a Ndaba! Sbu:Mxm wena? You disgust me! I wonder what that tramp sees in you! Me:Calling your own sister a tramp? How twisted are you? Stop kiddin me! Sbu:Shes not my sister.. Shes just some adopted kid! I wish she never came here! Me:She ruined things for you neh? Youd be the only kid! Sbu:Perhaps I am.. They didnt do a DNA test.. How do they know for sure! Me:Never turn on your family. They are all you have! Remember that Sbu! Sbu:Ehe dont do for me! I remember it quite well actually! My mom and dad are my family! Me:Whatever shes done to you,Im sure you can fix it.. Sbu:Whatever shes done to you? I dont think she can fix that(he chuckled) Me:Whatever Sbu! Sbu:I think things will work out,truly when we both stay away from each others sisters.. Me:I wont! Sbu:Why not? Me:The difference between me and you,you see is that I love Pamie,you dont love Cindy! And she doesnt love you too! Sbu:Are u sure? For someone who doesnt love me she sure acted like it! I mean like we almost went the whole way(he winked) Me:Oh shut up!?!! Dad:Anele!!! Sbu(he shouted) Ps Mom:Kanti whats taking these boys long?? Sbu:Dont trip on your way out!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:25:09 +0000

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