Insert 9 I got home, Aunt Nomsa wasnt there meaning i had the - TopicsExpress


Insert 9 I got home, Aunt Nomsa wasnt there meaning i had the house all to myself which was boring. I did my homeworks then went to my room, changed into my casual clothes and listened to music until i fell asleep. My phone woke me up at around 16:00, it was a private number. I hesitated to pick it up but eventually did. Me: *sleepy tone* Private number hello Caller: Hey The voice sounded familiar but i didnt know who it was. Me: Who am i speaking to? Caller: Brian Me: Oh, why are you calling me with a private number Brian: I wanted to be anonymous Me: Haaaahaaa mxm Brian: I miss you Me: Is it? Brian: Yeah! Can i see you on saturday Eishaaa im already booked on saturday, mxm. Me: Aaaah...i already have plans Brian: Oh okay, how about saturday late? Me: Uhm....okay Brian: Sharp.... I still love you Me: *smiles* Okay Brian: Hawu arent you gonna say the same thing? Me: I might say something ill regret Brian: Youll never regret loving me Me: Mmmmhhhmm Brian: Thanks for picking up my call Me: No problem Brian: Sharp Me: Sure I hung up then stood up and went to the bathroom. I rinsed my mouth then went downstairs to the kitchen cause i was hungry Aunt Nomsa was not yet back. I made myself a sandwhich then sat on the kitchen counter. Its kinda boring being the only kid, i thought to myself. Maybe moving with Lungile and his son wont be a bad idea after all. After i was done eating my sandwhich i went to the lounge and watched some T.V. The time now was 20:00 and Aunt Nomsa was not back. I locked all the doors then put on the lights. I recieved a call from mom. Me: Mommy Mom: Hey baby ill come back late from work dont wait up and Nomsa went home i forgot to tell you Me: Okay Mom: Byee Me: Bye mom I switched off the T.V, went to my room then changed to pyjamaz. After i was done i tucked in bed then fell asleep. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I woke up the following morning did the same thing then went to school. The week went by pretty fast and before i knew it- it was friday. After school friday i went straight home cause mom came to pick me up. She didnt go to work. Mom: Ive invited Lungi and Asa for supper Me: Kanti besingayi kwakhe ngomso? Mom: Yes we are but i felt like inviting them Me: But you didnt tell me that Mom: Im telling you now Me: *sighs* I miss dad Mom: Mbalentle Precious Booi what are you saying? Me: *folds arms* Nothing mom Mom: It better be nothing Honestly this Lungile guy was kinda boring now. Mom is always talking about him hasuka. We got home, i went straight to my room then locked myself inside. I told mom that i had a headache, she said i must sleep it off cause at 19:00 she wants me downstairs. I threw myself on my bed then fell asleep. Mom woke me up at 18:30 and told me to get ready. Mom: Dont wear shorts I didnt answer her, i went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I went back to to my room, lotioned my body then wore sweatpants, beaggy jearsy, blacks chucks then tied my hair up. It was cold so ja. A few minutes later i heard my mom calling my name. I went downstairs faking a smile. There was her dearest Lungi and his son, i guess. Mom: Baby, meet Asavela Me: Nice to meet you He opened his arms for a hug ndonqena uba funny, i hugged him. Mom dished up sonke satya. We chilled the got to know each other. They were actually nice, Lungi was excited about us moving in with them and so was Asavela. Asa: I cant wait to have a sister around, it sucks being the only kid Me: Tell me about it At 20:00pm they left. I must admit i had a great time with them. They were nice and funny especially Asa. Mom: so? Me: So? Mom: What do you think about theM? Me: They arent bad Mom: *smiles* I knew youd love them Me: Who said i love them? Mom: Youre already bonding with Asa, i saw that and dont say you werent Me: Okay, hes cool. I think itd be great having him as a brother Mom: *hugs me* Thats my baby I helped her clear the table then we chilled for some time. We watched movies together until i fell asleep. I wonder what saturday has in store for us :| Stay tuned! -Entle
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:14:25 +0000

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