#Insert 94 ********** Rea- Is she prettier than me.? RT- - TopicsExpress


#Insert 94 ********** Rea- Is she prettier than me.? RT- Hell no.. And I think you know that.. Rea- She still loves him.. RT- I wont say your lying, but it doesnt mean he loves her too.. Rea- You dont know that.. RT- BK is not that kind of guy.. Rea- I hope so RT.. RT- Rea, he loves you.. Rea- I know that, I love him too and thats why it sucks.. RT- I really understand what your going through, and I will always be here.. Rea- Thanks.:). (We hugged.. It has been so long since RT and I hugged, I kinda missed him..) RT- Siya left, by the way and I change the codes.. Rea- So our house is good.? RT- Yeah.. I also fired the security crook.. Rea- Thanks biggie.. RT- Anything for my little sister.. I still care about you.. Rea- Oh.. I care too.. RT- Come on now.. (He took my hand and we went inside the house.. They were still in the lounge, Rori wasnt there though.. I sat next to RT..) BK- Guys, Toya will be staying with us for a week.. Great ey.? RT- Yeah.. Welcome to the crazy house Toya.. Toya- Thanks.. I cant wait, to spend time with you guys.. And BK.. BK- Umm, we should throw Toya a little welcome party.. RT- Thats not a bad idea, a party would really do.. Toya- You dont have to.. BK- No, I insist.. Toya- Alright.. Whens the party.? RT- Tomorrow.. BK- Yeah.. Toya- Well, as long as there are hot guys there.. BK- Hot guys.? Toya- Yeah.. I mean, you both will be with your patners, I also need someone.. RT- Hot guys will be here.. Trust me.. (I wasnt really interested so I just went upstairs.. I sat on the bed for a while and then I thought about it.. I didnt wanna live in the same house as her, I wasnt going to.. Im going home, and tonight.. I packed my stuff and sat down on the bed.. I didnt want to leave but, I had to.. For both our sakes.. I still had my house keys on my bag so RT didnt have to know.. I went down with my bag and they were not in the lounge anymore, I heard some noise from the kitchen and I figured they were there.. I put my bag on the couch, I didnt wanna dissappear without saying anything.. I called Bokamoso out from the kitchen..) BK- Yes babe.. Rea- Baby, theres something I wanna share with you.. BK- Oh.. Thats great, because I also have something to share with you.. Rea- Whats that.? BK- Well, Toya is more like my best friend and your my lady.. Rea- I still dont get the point.. BK- I would really like it if you guys got along well.. Please sleep with her tonight.. Rea- Oh.. You want us to sleep together.? BK- Just to start your relationship.. Rea- That wont be nessesary.. BK- What.? Rea- Me sleeping with.... Toya- BK is... Oh, sorry.. You guys busy.? I can come back later.. BK- Whats up.? Toya- Well.. Rea, can I steal him.? Rea- Be my guest.. (I did that fake smile, she took him by hand while talking and they went to the kitchen.. I just took my bag and left.. I got a taxi home, when I got there I unpacked, got a takeaway and bathed.. After a long bath, I watched a movie.. Someone knocked on the door and I opened..) RT- What are you doing here.? Rea- This is my home.. RT- I know that.. But, why did you leave.? Rea- I wanted to go home, where I can sleep alone on my huge bed.. RT- Rea, dont do this, she will think she won.. Rea- She already did.. RT- Thats not true.. Rea- Where is he.? RT- Who, BK.? Rea- Yeah.. RT- They are planning tomorrows party.. Rea- And he didnt even notice that I left.. RT- He is a bit busy Rea, come on.. Rea- Yeah, he is.. RT- Im also coming home.. Rea- No.. Why.? RT- Because you cant live here alone, I wont let you.. Rea- And Rori.? RT- She can come over.. Rea- You dont have to do that.. RT- Im doing it, I want to.. Rea- Thanks.. (We hugged and he went back to pick up Rori.. They came back after some time..) Rori- Rea, he already misses you.. Rea- He knows where I live.. RT- Im tired, good night.. Rori- Night babe. Rea- Good night.. (He went to bed, Rori and I watched another movie.. It was really great and full of action.. We went to bed really late.. I was woken up by RT all dressed up..) RT- Were gonna be late.. Rea- Late for what.? RT- Toyas welcome party.. Rea- Oh.. Im not going.. RT- What.?! Why.? Rea- I dont wanna go.. RT- Come on Rea, the party is at your boyfriends house.. Rea- But not his, Im not feeling well.. RT- And Im supposed to believe that.? Rea- Not really, no.. RT- Please come.. Rea- No.. Now, close the door when you leave my room.. (He left.. I was really tired so I slept again..) *** RTs POV *** (I didnt like this thing going on between Rea and BK.. When we got to the party, the minute he saw me, he came to me..) BK- Dude, wheres my babe.? RT- Umm, he couldnt make it.. BK- What.? Is everything alright.? RT- Yeah.. Shes just tired.. BK- What happened, why did she leave.? RT- She missed home.. BK- And thats all.? RT- Yeah.. I promise.. BK- Then why is her phone off.? RT- That I dont know.. BK- I have to.. RT- No.. Dont, dont go to her.. It will make things worse.. BK- I miss her.. RT- Hold that, until Toya leaves.. #Reh.:/.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:00:28 +0000

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