Insert 97 I was very confident at the sound of that. Noo more - TopicsExpress


Insert 97 I was very confident at the sound of that. Noo more bullying from Giggles and Luzuko FINALLY. Now I know where to go and whom to turn to. Me: You have a lot to protect me from. Her: Ugh Ive had much worse situations. We then laughed and finished washin dishes. After that I went to my room and changed into my PJs and turned on TV. **** 2 weeks later. It was already time for school to open and the life in this place couldnt be more great. I was friendly with everyone on here but Thembinkosi. Turns out that he was actually being friendly that first day because all the other days, he would give me straight faces and when he spoke it was hurtful. There was really nothing nice about that boy. It was a Monday morning when I was told to wake up at 06:00. I took a shower and put in lotion and I put on my uniform. I found Hazel who was making breakfast and I joined where and after we were done we sat down. We dished up for ourselves, and started eating. Seconds after Thembinkosi came to join us. We ate in silence until Marian came and told us to get going. We took our lunch boxes and went to the car. Hazel sat in the middle and she drove us to school. We got there right exactly when hyper arrived. Seeing her just made me run to her and we hugged. I waved at Marian and Hazel and went with Hyper. Her: Girl mara, Yho youve been gone for so long. Musi you wont be absent much. I nodded happily. Me: Girl my life now is back on track. The Bell rang and we went to class. Our first period and second and third then break. Hyper: Should we go buy something?? Me: Ive got enough lunch lets eat here in class. Her: Okay. We then ate during break and I saw Giggles by the windows and she was walking with Hazel and Giggles looked like the boss. Oh NO!!!!! They then entered the class. I looked at Hazel who didnt say a thing. Her: I heard you finally broke up with my man. Care to keep it that way? Me: Ill date whoever I want. And as for that thing you call your man, I want nothing to do with it. You can go propose to it and get married. She smiled with satisfaction and Luzuko walked into the class and gave her lunch brought from the tuckshop. She took it like a madam and Hazel played along with it. You know I couldnt care less about them. Me: So Hyper you think this will be enough? Her: Definitely. Lets eat this and second break well go buy if were still hungry. I smiled and she also did. We pretended they werent there. Luzuko: You girls get out of here its a place for matrix. Hyper: If you cant come here and pick us both up and throw us outside forget it. I high fived her we continued eating. He then came closer to us. Him: I said get out. Me: And we sat NO. Get it in fact you shouldnt even be talking to me like that. After what you did I should have pressed charges. So thank me by leavin us alone to eat in peace please Luzuko. Hyper gave him that fakest smile of all times. Him: Ill give you a better just get out of this one. He whispered under his breath. Me and Hyper looked at each other and agreed so we packed our bags and lunch and followed him. He took us to the last floor to a classroom that even had an air conditioner. Inside was a young female teacher. Him: Hello mommy. Her: Hello my baby. Him: With me here I have two pests. Can they sit in your class during break. They are victims of Mr you know whos daughter. Her: Okay they can come here every break. You can take the back seat ladies. We ate until break was over. Just as we were about to leave the teacher stopped us. Her: I know what it feels to be bullied ladies. So here is my key just in case you dont find me in here. Me: Thank you mam. Hyper: We really appreciate your help from those jerks. Me: Yeahh. She gave us a smile and we went to class. On our way we met a Nhleketo. Him: Oh my word twinni!!! Hey Hyper. She gave him a weird look but I think thats what I told him. We shared a quick hug and left each other. Her: How does he know me? Me: I told him. Her: Ohhhhhh. After that we went to class and there was no teacher in the class. Thats when Luzuko came in..... Him: Mr Moore isnt here today so keep your noise level down and occupy yourselves with something productive. With that he left the class and when has 8.8 been quiet. Like every grade 8 class everyone was shutting other people up. You could here shhh everywhere. It was much noiser than it was when they were talking normally. Just then a mam came in. Her: For the rest of the week every first break. This whole class will be standing in the sun. Mxxxxxxxxm are you setious? I could hear people arguing and complaining. This class mara
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:56:01 +0000

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