Insert 97 It was now a Wednesday 3 days before my wedding, i was - TopicsExpress


Insert 97 It was now a Wednesday 3 days before my wedding, i was so excited and nervous at the very same time, not seeing Craig for the whole week had me traumatized, i had to make a plan a very quickly. I woke up and took a shower and then wore my simple maternity dress, i was told not to do anything, i was being pampered, i just wished this pampering would last for a lifetime, i was so enjoying all the attention. I heard a knock and i cried, they let themselves in since i couldnt answer them, was busy crying. When Chloe saw me crying, she rushed to me and gave me a hug. Chloe: hey hey whats wrong? Me: i miss Craig. I managed to say that in between my cry and i cried even louder. Chloe: you dont have to cry, take my phone and call him. App: shes probably acting, shell see Craig on Saturday so she must just calm down, haha mxm App though but she was right, i was kind off pretending, i had to make a plan. I took her phone and dialed Craigs numbers and it was answered after the 2nd ring. Caller: Craigs phone hello. Me: hello can i speak to Craig. Caller: His kinda busy now, mind calling him later. Me: yes i do mind, just give him the phone. Caller: okay okay hold on. I heard the caller calling Craig from the background. Craig: hello My whole body went numb, his voice did wonders to me. Me: hi He kept quiet for about a minute or two. Craig: Ive missed you, how are you? Me: Im hanging in there, yourself? Craig: I need to see you before i explored baby, i cant take it anymore its too much. Me: I miss so much. Craig: yesterday we went shopping with the guys and i found myself buying feminine stuff, your panty liners, pads and your favourite body spray and the guys think i have gone mad. I giggled while a tear escaped my eye. Me: I miss your smile Craig because when you smile my world is alright, i feel empty inside, no one understands how i feel but only you. Craig: Baby i love, kiss your tummy for me, my seeds are growing in there. I giggled again. Me: Im falling in love with you Craig everyday, its like you live inside of me. Craig: technically i kinda do because you carrying my twins in there. Me: whatever. Craig: I carry you in my spirit Samantha, when i pray to God, i pray for you more than i pray for myself. Hhayi i couldnt take it anymore, i just cried, this was the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, Craig heard that i was crying. Craig: baby please dont cry, cant i see you for a minute babe please, i cant even concentrate anymore, when i sleep i go to bed with your yellow summer dress in my chest, check it, its not there. I giggled and stood up and went to check whether it was true my dress wasnt there and he was actually right, it wasnt there, i smiled at how crazy Craig was. Me: I love you so much that it hurts. Craig: i love you more. Me: okay uhm let me ask this guys if they can help me. Craig: okay, dont hung up on me. I didnt hung up, just put the phone on hold and turned to face the girls in a puppy face. Me: guys can you please help me see Craig for just a minute. App: youll see each other in three days Sam so just take sit and get some water and take a chill pill. Mxm i expected just that from App. I turned to Chloe. Chloe: No no no please dont involve me babe, Ive already helped by giving you my phone. If Chloe doesnt help then Im doomed, finished! I then turned to my cousins Koketso and Mosa. Koketso: Im out! Mosa: me too. Mxm i then retrieved Craigs call. Me: baby none of them wants to help me. Craig: Even Chloe. Me: especially CHLOE. She turned and she looked at me and i stared at her, mxm this guys were not being fair. Craig: i guess Ill see you at the alter. Me: i guess. Craig: dont be late and keep me waiting but i wouldnt mind. Me: hahaha but the bride is always late. Craig: haha i knew youd say Me: I love you bye. Craig: Goodbyes the saddest word Ive ever heard, rather say Ill see you later. Me: see you later babe. Craig: later it is, love you. I hung up and gave Chloe her phone. Chloe: My pleasure. I rolled my eyes. Me: thanks. After a few minutes of awkwardness we started chatting again normally about the wedding and stuff, atleast now that i spoke to him, i felt much better. :* Sam
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:17:28 +0000

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