Insert 99 After they were done fixing me, i went back to Church - TopicsExpress


Insert 99 After they were done fixing me, i went back to Church and there was no sign of that crazy woman, Craig was sitting down, his head between his legs and Jake was patting his shoulder and went straight to him as all eyes were on me, when he realised i was standing before him, he lifted his head up and i smiled at him and he did the same. Me: Im sorry i ran off like that. Craig: Baby its okay, as long as you came back, now lets get married. We both smiled and faced the Pastor. Pastor: wow what a day, so many dramas in the house of the Lord today. People laughed. Pastor: Ill just skip the part where i ask if anyone objects to this marriage orelse well be here for hours. People laughed yet again. Pastor: Anyone who believes this two should not be joined together may speak now or forever hold your peace. Everyone looked around and this time no one spoke and the pastor proceeded. Pastor: now you shall both say your wedding vows, Craig. Craig: oh where do i begin...... He sighed and people laughed. Craig: It all started at school when i saw an angel before my face and she refused to give me her numbers but i knew i was gonna get them, hello look at me.... Everyone laughed and i shy away. Craig: on a serious note though, I just wanna thank you for loving me, you loved me even when it was so hard to love me, you have loved me in my lowest point where any woman would have looked the other way around... A tear escaped my eye..... Ive hurt you many times than i have loved you he continued, Yet you still love me, Good took his time in creating you for me, your valuable, sensitive and when you cry, a heavy loud is released off your shoulders...................... The tears just fell in bulk and Craig was also in tears. Craig: this past week you were away from me and i was losing it because i never wanna be away from you in more than an hour. App screamed And work??, everyone laughed. Craig: Im the one who took your innocence and Ill forever be grateful. People went oooooh ncooooooh and i looked at my mom who was smiling. Craig: I love you so much Samantha, you and our babies are my world. Pastor: wow that was mouthful, Samantha. Me: When God created you... I spoke between tears and people were like ncooooooh. Me: he......he created you specifically for me, he knew youd be the perfect man to hold me closer in your heart, you have showed me what love is so many ways that i have even lost count, when my biological father walked out on my mommy before i was even born, i thought all man were like him, i remember telling mama i would never be in a relationship. People laughed. Me: Craig you have loved me more than its necessary, i am stubborn but you put up with me, you even beg me even if Im the wrong one, my friends say any other man would have left me a long time ago but youre not just any other man, youre my Craig. People went ncooooooh yet again. Me: I have cried in your world but i have laughed more than i have cried, if fairytales were real then youre my knight shining armour, you laugh when i laugh and cry when i cry. He was really crying now, just like me. Me: see............................. We let out a slight giggle. Me: I love you Craig Sauerman. Pastor: wow, its a great thing you two love each other so selflessly, the rings. Jake brought the rings. Pastor: okay Craig take this ring and repeat after me, with this ring Craig: with this Pastor: I take thee Samantha to be my lawfully wedded wife Craig: I take thee Samantha to be my lawfully wedded wife Pastor: in sickness and in health, richer or poorer till death do us apart. Craig: in sickness and in health, richer or poorer till death do us apart. He inserted the ring in my finger and i also took the ring and repeated after the pastor and said the vows and i inserted the ring, we both couldnt stop blushing ke sana. Pastor: by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Craig Sauerman. you may now kiss the bright. Yooooh hayke uCraig, its as if he was waiting for that moment, he smooched me ke sana like its his first time. He pulled away and my eyes were still closed so he brought me into embrace and kissed my forehead and we heard people clapping their hands, it was now time for me to throw the bouquet and i threw it and guess who caught it, App did, yeah you heard right Appreciate. We then proceeded to protea hotel for our dance and cutting the cute and everything, the deco was so beautiful, making the mark did my deco, a lady by the name of Lathitha was responsible for my beautiful wedding, we arrived there and we went to our en suit to change into something else, when we arrived Craig just locked the door. Craig: you are now Mrs Sauerman. Me: oh yeah i am, help me out of this dress. Craig: with pleasure. He helped me get out of my dress and his hand went to my cookies as he gave me kisses all over. Me: baby we have guest. Craig: they can wait baby. He continued kissing me and...... :* Sam
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 07:11:00 +0000

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