Insert no.120 #Swazi Life wasnt on my side those days..there - TopicsExpress


Insert no.120 #Swazi Life wasnt on my side those days..there was more Tears than Loughter, it wasnt nice at all and I never took Wandis calls either. On Friday, we drove to school with my mom and had a lil convo. Her: ill be at ur school.. My heart raced, i knew this was about me. Me: why? Her: urgent SGB meeting.. I felt sick, why is it urgent?? This definately got something to do with me. Me: oh, well see u. I got to school and told Mpumi da sad news. Her: so Meneer Mahlalela went to ur mom even after serving his punishement an banning u from da dance?! Me: im in trouble!! Da day continued and i didnt clean my class couse da general workers normally cleans on Friday. Afterschool came, we walked to da gate with my friend and mama was waiting for me. We went to da car and drove off. Me: so what was da meeting about? Ma: ur matric dance, we were discussing da venue and all that. Me: oh I had da most relief of my life. Ma: tomorrow we going to buy ur clothes. Ai, i pretended to be happy. Ma: Mpumi u also going right? Her: yes mama. Ma: have u bought ur clothes? Her: yes, my sister will come back with them. Ma: shes still at Pta? Her: yes.. Ma: i see. We got to my sisters place, we went in and they just went to take da new rat. I havent held her since da wedding, i was just scared although da belly button had fallen. I went to my room and changed my uniform and wore black tracksuits printed Princess on da butt...i just wished Musa could see me in it. Mpumi walked in and closed da door. Her: mngani u have to tell ur mom before things get out of hand. Me:they wont mngani. Her: u going to buy matric dance clothes tomorrow which u not even going to.. Me: arg mngani, i know mama..i know how to double-cross her. Her: ok then.. My phone rang..i checked it and it was Wandile..i threw it on da bed and she took it. Her: mngani whats wrong with u? What did Wandile do to u kani? Me: we nolonger dating! Her: says who, da poor guy calls u day in-day out and it doesnt even bother u?? Me: its better like this mngani, Andile is still threatening to tell him everything. Her: then tell Wandile than doing this to him. It rang again and she answered before i could snatch it from her hands. Her: hey Wandile..yes its Mpumi..shes here..i dont know..erh..i dont know whats wrong with her, maybe u should talk to her. She gave me da phone and i put it on my ear. Me: halo Him: sthandwa sam what is happening kani? Hes voice was so low and sad, yet still charming...i missed it. Me: can we not talk about it over da phone? Him: i can come there my love, u sound serious. Me: it is serious. Him: ok nana, see u later. Me: bye.. Him: i love u.. Me: see u. Him: u dont love me back? Me: im crowded here. Him: ok bye. I hanged up and sat on my bed. Her: mngani i hope u not planning to dump him? Me: my friend u dont understand. Her: arh Swazi.. My mom called for Mpumi, they were already leaving. Her: dont do anything u will regret later, please!! Me: lets go. I walked her out, i said goodbye to them and they drove off. I went to cook and sesi came to join me in da kitchen, she sat down and looked at me. Her: what happened at da wedding? Me: nothing..why? Her: u havent been urself lately.. Me: things aint looking good between me and Wandi.. Her: huh, what did he do? It should be what did I do.. Me: nothing but we ok now.. Her: good, it is not always nice in a relationship, u aint angels vele but im glad if u ok now. This took me back to Khanyisiles words: problems will always be there in ur relationship but u need da right solutions to solve them..i didnt have to really stop my relationship with him. Me: i hear u ses.. We continued talking while i cooked, after some time my phone rang. I checked it and it was Wandi. Me: baby.. Him: nana, please come at da shop.. Me: mara u still driving.. Him: haha, u have big almost there. Me: coming.. I hanged up and Lwazi stood up. Her: go.. I smilled and kissed her cheek then walked to da shop.. He wasnt there yet, maybe i was too quick. I went to da shop and greeted da Nigerian guy *teller*..we were becoming friends. I heard a voice, of a guy. Him: Princess.. I turned and it was some guy.. Him: im sorry but i just read ur butt. Me: u shouldnt be looking at peoples asses. Him: it called out my Prince. Me: Princess.. Him: so ur name is Princess. Me: correct.. Him: ive never seen u around, are u new here? Wandile walked in, wearing formal black trouser, gloss Carvela with a white shirt folded up to his elbows. He noticed that da guy was talking to me so he did what hes good at.. He walked to me and kissed my lips for a aproximately 4 secs. Him: honey. Me: sthandwa. He looked at Prince, he was starring, LMAO! Me: it was nice knowing u Prince. Him: xo We walked out with Wandis arm around my waist..for control akere!! We got to da car and it smelled something meaty. He pulled me to him and our lips were against each other, i shaked like it was my 1st :/ Him: why?
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:40:11 +0000

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