Insert no.22 #Swazi School was ok nje, sir didnt gave me - TopicsExpress


Insert no.22 #Swazi School was ok nje, sir didnt gave me much attention. Somehow i felt bad. Wandi is always Wandi, da man of my dreams. Da 1st of Feb came and i didnt meet with my man that day, but we saw each other at church. Da week continued well, Wandi seemed to be busy those days with work so we didnt see each other da whole week. Friday came, 5th Feb, i got nothing for Wandi. I really wanted to buy him something but then, hes da one working here. I told Mpumi about it... Her: its ok mngani, he knows u not working. Me: i just want it to be memorable nje kuphela. We spoke while we went to da bus shelter. We got to Tonga, i said bye to Mpumi. I walked home and changed. Ai my hair has grown, i wanted something new. Mama came back from work, she joined me in da sitting room. Her: u came back early. Me: ya, we dont attend afternoon studies on Friday ingan. Her: or ya I then asked imali to do my hair, she didnt have a problem. She took me to a saloon near Far east. It was da best around, we got there and i spoke to da owner. Her: ufuna kuchina ini? Me: i dont know, but i want extentions. She showed me some peace of hair, Tamika. Her: this will suit u well. Me: tihle mama yabo. Ma: yea, how much is it? Her: R220 everything. My mom paid and gave me imali yelocal to go back home. Damn my head was burning, ingani i had short hair. She did me well shame, when i looked on da mirror i saw a new person. I looked like my mom :) xem. I was done and went to catch a taxi, i got home. They were all blown away :) In my mind, i couldnt wait for Wandi to see me. I went to bath, ate and took pain killers, my head xem :/ Wandi called around 9pm. Me: my love Him: sthandwa sam, how are u? Me: im good love and u? Him: im not good at all, i miss u Me: i miss u too baby. Him: ill be working at Malelane Tsb in town tomorro...can u come with me Me: u will have to pass by da my school and take me. Him: ok nana, see u then. Me: baby one more thing, wear ur all stars, jean and any red t-shirt ne. Him: woo, ok baby. We hanged up, i said my prayers and slept. I woke up in da morning, packed same kind of clothes in my bag and went to school. I told Mpumi about it. Her: mngan u crazy, so u gonna live before school out? Me: i have to, ill tell da teachers that im not feeling well. My baby texted me a message that he is outside, i did my plan and it worked. I went to him, he was wowed. Him: wow baby. Me: what is it love? I placed a small peck on his lips. Him: now im scared, ur teachers will take u away from me. I had a hard heart beat and smilled. Me: u my 1 and only. Shall we go now? Well we drove off to Tsb, we were singing along da way, it was picture perfact :) We got there, he kissed me kancane. Him: i wont be long. He got out of da car, my chance to change clothes. I got myself naked, some dudes were busy winking at me at da parking lot, i loughed at them. I wore my clothes, fixed my face and hair, i looked jolly. Withing few minutes he came back. Him: wow, this is why i love u. Me: thank u baby :) we kissed, he held my boobs, i felt blood running and broke it. Me: im starving love Him: eat me Me: lol i mean real food he nodded and we drove inside da town. Him: where are we eating nana Me: steers will do baby Him: good choice. We got to steers, we were attended and ordered Ribs, chips with lots of hot source in da mean time we got ourselves drinks. We talked about nothing and our order came, well i was hugry, i digged in. He just looked me and smilled. Me: what? Him: u know some girls dont like eating infront of their bfs, but u love, u dont care. I smilled. Me: why must i be shy of my man? We loughed and finished eating. My hand was on da table, he placed his on top of mine. He wanted to speak, i stopped him and sang Happy birthday for him. People joined me in da singing, he blushed and didnt know what to say. He came to my side, helped me stand up and kissed me. Da people clapped hands and we broke it. Him: thank u nana, u da best. Me: im happy if u happy. He said thank u to da people and we sat down. Him: how did u know this nana? Me: im a lady Him: wow, u full of surprises. We settled da bill there and we went out. We drove to Nkwazi. We went to Woolworths, Him: can i spoil my nana? Me: why not... We started looking around, we went to jewellery. I took some nice shades, and bengels, im inlove with them. We went to pay. I didnt want to take many things, he was my bf, not my father. I wore my shades and i looked beautiful. We were walking hands in hands and people were busy starring at us xem. He bought himself a pack of boxers, and a shirt that i picked for him at Trueworths. We finished and we walked around doing window shopping. We pulled each other around, placed pecks to each other and sibambene ngetandla. We owned da world with my man. While walking just holding each other like that, boom, pastor and his wife in our faces. I wished to disappear into thin air :/ I love u honnies, keep sharing :*
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:52:26 +0000

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