#Insert3 As time went on I passed my grade 8 and I was in grade - TopicsExpress


#Insert3 As time went on I passed my grade 8 and I was in grade 9 :)Thando and I grew closer, the only difference between her and I was that she was CRAZY!! I stopped using the transport and I started using taxis.. So on this particular day Thando asked me to wait a lil while after school.. some guy that lives down the road from her wants to walk with us.. So as Thando and I are waiting.. Thando was telling me about her boyfriend.. Thando: yazi Ora, I love Luke and no one is ever gon take him away from me.. Me: really? Means you really love him.. Thando: Yea so during this week he is going to fetch me from school and drop me off.. You can come with, we will drop you off at the rank.. Me: no stress ke :) right there the guy we were waiting for came.. Mm hes cute shem but I was out of his league, well thats what I thought of myself. So im not gonna let my mind wonder or start liking someone I wont get.. So as we walking him and Thando are talking and I was just thinking about my own things until the guy interupted my train on thought.. Guy: Hey sorry for being so rude! How are you? Me: *smiles*, No problem.. Im good thanks and you? Guy:Im good! Whats your name? Me: Im Keoratile and with you? Guy: Im Lethabo, nice to meet you.. Me: Like wise.. So let me tell you about Lethabo, he is tall, built and kinda light in complexion.. He has hazel eyes and he is cute shem.. We eventually caught a taxi to the rank.. I didnt know what Thando and Lethabo were talking about and I wast really interested soo I just carried on with my thoughts.. When we got off the taxii.. I was gonna go catch taxi and Thando would walk me coz she ddnt live that far from the rank. Thando: Ohk Lethabo ill see you tomorrow, im going to walk Ora to her taxi.. Lethabo: No its fine, ill walk her hmm I couldnt hide my smile shem.. Thando: hehehe Lethabo ska etsa dilo tse funny, ill kill you if anything happens to her.. Lethabo:Hai Thando, calm down im just walking her nothing will happen.. Thando: Ora I rataz you! See you tomorrow aneh? Me: Bye girl I hugged her goodbye so it was me and Lethabo.. :D :D.. I didnt want to get to excited coz I wasnt for him, not his type.. Ill settle for friends.. The walk wasnt long mara we exchanged whatsapp numbers :).. #Gone are the days of searching people on mxit.. Hai ke when I got home.. I got a whatsapp message.. *Hey Ora Nice meeting you today, id like to meet sometime. Lethabo*.. Hmm meeting Lethabo? Ohhhk!! *Me- Hey, Like wise.. And sure we can meet* *Lethabo- Can We walk together tomorrow* *Me- Sure* *Lethabo- Thanks..bye Ora :)* *Me- Bye Letha :)*.. That changed my mood all of a sudden I couldnt wait,, I went to bed early because I just couldnt wait.. #WalkWithLethaboTomorrow:D
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 19:51:23 +0000

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