Insert4 2weeks went by and it was still the same old thing all I - TopicsExpress


Insert4 2weeks went by and it was still the same old thing all I dd was just go to town or just watch t.v or swim etc..... Now I was really excited and nervous at the same time because the next day I was going 2 my new school I woke up did the usual than went down stares and found my mom and dad preparing breakfast Me:morning mommy**hugged her** morning daddy**hugged him** Them:morning baby Me:mhmmmmm the food smells divine nd besides Im hungry ei Mom:someone is happy you mind telling me why Me:arg mommy dont tel me you forgot Dad:so you really happy about tomorrow Mom:am I missing out something here cause it looks like Im the only one who doesnt know about the mystery Me:dah mommy tomorrow is my first day in a new school Dad:wow you really have a dead memory **we all laughed** Mom:arg you guys its just work issues but anyways lets eat and go shopping Me:yeah yeah same thing everyday Dad:you better get new friend if you dont want a life cycle Me:yeah lets eat Im hungry **we ate than left to town we bought food;school uniform,shoes,bag stationary and all da staff needed than around 2 we were dun and we left to go and eat at spur..we all ordered ribs eat than went back home...we got home than my mom and dad left to go and fetch the new maid...I was so bored and tired so I decided to sleep**My life was just boring thou** 4hours later I was woken up by my mom teling me that dinner was ready...I woke up,eat than prepared for school tomorrow than slept #Next _Day My mom woke me up at 4h00am I dd the usual and wore my school pants with the jersey and my nerdy glasses than I jst tied my hair back took my bag then went to the kitchen ate while my mom and dad were also getting ready to got to work...5min later they arrived and off we went #we got to my school Dad:you ready sweetheart??? Me:yeah daddy but Im scared but mybe it will be much better Dad:dont be just cool down and everything will be alright Me:yeah if you say so but Im excited ei **fake smile....but deep down I was really nervous** Luckly when we got to school it was in already so we went to the office than they showed me to my class but I first hugged my dad nd left I got to my class and I was happy because most of the peaple were blacks and coloured since white people are boring from my previous school thats why I didnt have friends back then....I got in and the principal introduced me to the class while some group of girls laughed than he left....the teacher showed me where to sit and gave me books than she asked me where I stayed than I told her...she called some dude and girl and told them to help me catch up @ home since it was now the beginning of the third term..I exchanged numbers with them and damn the dude was sooooo hooooooot and he kept on checking me out........ trrrrr!!the bell rang for our first period everyone stood up and OMW **jews down eyes out** the skirts that the girls were wearing..they were all short like even fat gals wore short skirt like I was the only one with a long skirt but anyways I stood up and walked to the next class than some chick came to me xe was cute thou and her skirt wasnt that short **Amen** Her:hy Me:hy Her:well my name is kim and you are kahdijiha ryt? Me:yeah and nice meeting you kim Kim:u du u mind being my can chill with me and my ishes(friends) during break **finally I got a smile on my face..looks like this day was gonna get more better for the first time in my teenagehood having friends OMW** I just simply nodded We got to class and the first three periods went by and it was already came to me and we went to their chilling sport and we found three girls sitting there Kim:hy ishes Them:hy bish Kim:eix where are my manners mara... 1 of the girls:lawl its coz you put them in your ass....*than they started laughing lyk crazy** Kim:arg u ishes thou well this is kahdijiha**pointing at me** Them:hey kahdij.. Kim:Im not dun you stupids**they laughed again**..well as I was saying kihdi(me) this is Naledi ,karabo and lyla Me:nice meeting you guys Them:same here Lyla:dont be shy ei act normal Naledi:are you a nerd? Me:yeah I am and my friends at my previous school are really crazy like you guys ei **i lied** Kim:well feel free like you did before **we started talking laughing I can tell they really crazy than while we were talking some dudes came ** The dudes:hy gals Us:hy**while naledi kissed one of the boys and lyla left with some dude** Kim:hai you two get a room please Lyla:arg please**rolling her eyes** 1 of the guys:so wus the new nerd Kim:well this is kahdijiha...well kidhi this is bruno,tumelo,brandon than the one with naledi is tshepo than the one who left with lyla is ofentse and they all buddies Them:nice meeting you kahdijiha Bruno:nice meeting you Nerdie**wink** Damn he was so cute and his lip OMW he was a yellow bone.....I was busy admiring him I couldnt evn hear a thing Bruno:helllllllooOooo kahdijiha hellooo.. Kim:hellooo hyyyyy kihdi Me:ow about that guys *they all laughed* We started chatting and I was a bit shy and dying of brunos hotness Trrrrrrrr the bell rang **amen* at least it saved me and we all went back to our classes than the next four periods went by so fast trrrrrrr it was afterschool...I hugged kim than waited for my dad.....while I was standing the group of girls and boys that were laughing at me in class came and they stood next to me and started teasing and making fun of me laughing and all that I than started crying and ran inside the school to the girls toilet as I was running I bumped bruno and we both fell and I fell on top of him and we both looked at each other until we hear a voice shouting Bruno Baby what is this now what are you and this lame nerd poor slut hoe freak doing?!?? OMW it was leader girl of the so called V_VIP group #damn_shit_was_going_to_happen
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:33:48 +0000

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