Inside of a tree, in a hollow in this town that has grown shut - TopicsExpress


Inside of a tree, in a hollow in this town that has grown shut over thecourse of many long years, there is a treaty between the united states government and the Native people who at one time navigated the Columbia for there lively hood. That treaty was only one of thousands of treaties the united sates government never kept and never intended to keep when it was made. The Damn was built and not according to how it was promised to be built so it would not only be use full for the english that wanted electricity but for the natives who fished the River. The first nations people however were quite used to being lied to by the united states of America when it came to them keeping there promises concerning the treaties. Just a few years ago the Celilo Indians finally got their homes built something that was promised to them many many, many, many, many long years ago when once again they were relocated so Americans could have what they all wanted and once again telling the first nations people to just suck it up and deal with it. Now back to that tree where that broken treaty still remains. That Dalles DAMN is going to break wide open completely putting this entire town under water some day. All the Damns along the columbia are going to burst and break open and many little River towns are going under the water. I have spoken of this before seeing it in a dream along with others who have seen the same thing.... I will share only one reason why this is going to happen. God is bringing upon this region judgment for unrepentant sins against here first nations people who are still EXPLOITED , LIED ABOUT. MISS REPRESENTED IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM, SHOVED ASIDE AS PEOPLE THAT DONT MATTER AND MANY LIES THAT ARE PRINTED ABOUT THEM TO THIS DAY IN LOCAL NEWS PAPERS. This town is still to this very day very high and mighty in the way they deal with the first nations people and we are going to see Gods answer to this unrepentant sins that still. oppress, exploit, tell lies in the local media and the total unconcern to right the wrongs. When any people get the un Godly notion that the passing of time rather than repentance is the cure for what has been done to Gods first nations people and is still being done to first nations people ... then a holy God is surely going to give his own answer to that ignorance and that self rightousness at its root its called.... the pride of race, the pride of pace and the pride of face in a nation that has been given many, many, many generations to make right the wrongs and they have not done so. The word tells us that sin is a reproach to any nation and that when the judgments are of God are in the earth the dwellers there in will learn righteoussness. A pastor in this town saw the damn break in a dream and then a tree chasing him in the dream but an angle came and picked him up and carried him to safety because he was worthy for that rescue. God has the pure in heart per- marked for his deliverance in the day of his judgments. I have given only one reason why this massive flood will bring the north west river towns under neith the water some day there are many other reasons. I have been told to recant over this word.... the answer to that is I WILL NOT!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:17:23 +0000

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