Insomnia is undeniably one of the most common sleeping problems - TopicsExpress


Insomnia is undeniably one of the most common sleeping problems and affects millions of people worldwide. In their desire to get sufficient amount of high quality sleep at night, many insomnia sufferers tend to take sleeping pills. While they may be useful when used occasionally, problems can sometimes occur when people use medications too often. To insomnia sufferers or those having sleeping difficulties, we have good news! We just discovered a brilliant tutorial for three sleep aid drinks made from wonderful and all natural ingredients which are known for their sleep-inducing properties. These ingredients include cherries, chamomile, vanilla, lavender, nutmeg and honey. Here are a few tidbits of interesting info on why these may be beneficial: Tart Cherry Tart cherries, especially the Montmorency variety, are known to contain naturally high levels of hormone melatonin which plays a vital role in inducing sleep. Research shows that as people age, melanin production tends to decrease. As melatonin drops, sleep problems such as insomnia begins to occur. [1] Vanilla Vanilla isn’t just good for pastries. It helps in lowering the level of blood pressure and in relaxing the nervous system of the body. It can also soothe restlessness, anger and anxiety which sometimes trigger insomnia. Chamomile Intake of chamomile tea before bedtime is also thought to be an excellent sleep inducer. Chamomile is said to contain highly active compounds that help combat stress and anxiety as well as induce sleep. [2] Lavender Often used in aromatherapy, lavender is a wonder herb that is best associated with calming and relaxation. Like chamomile, it soothes and eases anxiety which may result to better sleep. Nutmeg Due to its calming effects, nutmeg also makes a wonderful natural remedy to many sleep problems such as insomnia. Honey More than its sweet taste, honey has been considered an excellent inducer of sleep since old times. It is a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which plays a role in inducing sleep. This hormone tends to promote relaxation and signals the brain that “it is now the time for sleep”. Try a spoonful of raw honey with your favorite bedtime drink!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 19:28:09 +0000

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