Inspiring and Positive Quotes 1. Do Not Regret Growing Old It Is - TopicsExpress


Inspiring and Positive Quotes 1. Do Not Regret Growing Old It Is A Privilege Denied To Many. 2. Live Your Life And Forget You Age 3. Ive Seen Better Days , But Ive Seen Worse. I Dont Have Everything That I Want, But I Do Have All I Need. I Woke Up With Some Aches And Pains, But I Woke Up. My Life May Not Be Perfect But Im Blessed. 4. Spending Time With Children Is More Important Than Spending Money On Children, Un Less They Need Two Front Teeth. 5. Putting Your Phone Away & Paying Attention To Those Talking To You. Theres Ab App For That Its Clled Respect. 6. If You Are Depressed You Are Living In The Past. If You Are Anxious ,You Are Living In The Future. If You Are At Peace, You Are Living In The Present. LAO TZU 7. Our Education System " Everybody Is A Genius. But If You Judge A Fish By Its Ability To Climb A Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing It Is Stupid." A. Einstein 8. Two Things To Remember In Life: " Take Care Of Your Thoughts When You Are Alone With God Because God Said He Will Never Leave Us", And " Take Care Of Your Words When You Are With People," 9. Who Ever Said Diamonds Are A Girs Best Friend Never Owned A Good Dog. 10. Nature And God Are Cheaper Than Therapy. 12. Lesson From You Dog, No Matter What Life Brings You, Kick Some Grass Over It And Move On. 13. Education Is Not The Learning Of Facts, But The Training Of The Mind To Think. A. Einstein 14. I Dont Have Time To Worry About Who Dosent Like Me, Im Too Busy Loving The People Who Love Me. 15 Buddha Was Asked , " What Have You Gained From Meditation?" He Replied "Nothing!" However, Buddha Said, Let Me Tell You What I Lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression,Insecurity,Fear Of God,Age And Death." 16. Prologue to Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach [18] The fear of the Lord is a crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish; both which are the gifts of God: and it enlargeth their rejoicing that love him. 17. When You Try To Control Everything, You Enjoy Nothing. Relax, Breathe, Let Go And Just Live. 18. Gen. 3. [22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 19:06:44 +0000

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