Instead of a review about GITS (lets keep it for another day) , - TopicsExpress


Instead of a review about GITS (lets keep it for another day) , lets talk a little about naruto , in the 1st part Ill review Naruto and put the things that I liked the most , and in the 2nd part the things I hate the most . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st of all , ive noticed something in narutos community/fanbase (at least in this very group) that whenever someone critics naruto he only get insulted and the haters gonna hate ;) and other stuffs (immature stuffs) , , you must know that mentionning defaults in you fav show wont make it shit , it doesnt prove that you hate , no , in reality that what real fans should do ; you know that naruto isnt a holly book , like for gods sack people critic holly books nowadays , so why not naruto (or any other anime ) ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The things i loved the most in naruto : The early part (until pain arc) : like cmon for gods sack , for me , its THE best part of naruto till now , what i liked in it , the animation the feely osts , the characters developement , the big inspiration from jojos bizarre adventure ( i know that you know that i know that i knew naruto way before jojos bizarre adventure) , epic fights (not overpowered) just ninja ART , strategy , diversity and a HUUUUUUUGE potencial , the main character was really interesting for me , i loved his story , i used even to love the fillers, the other characters were also entetaining (and my fav one was Choji and Kakashi ) In this early part the anime was more focusing on the past/background of each character and not mentioning everything to keep the suspens , the fight were very fluid and really well animated , the colors were COLORS , even the vilains : Oro / Akatsuki / zabuza ...etc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The things I hate the most : Then , how to say it , naruto lost its soul , the studio got greedy and went full gold digger , it ruined a show that really (and i mean it) could have been among the best shonens ever (and nope i dont take sellers in consideration or the number of episodes) cause those statistics only show us the commercial (the dark) side of Naruto , not the real naruto , cause we arent watching a show for this kind of things you know , at least normal people . The animation (and im being serious) is just something that dont really feel or look appropriate for a world wide known anime like Naruto ,in other words , recently naruto animation is close to become like chinese animes quality , and i know youre going to be haters gonna hate ;) so let it be , if someone is spitting the truth and youre going to make him look like the bad guy , well i dont mind it , the truth that the studio is just producing shit (really) and you my dear fan , youre just swollowing it like a yummy nectar of delusion , lets just admit it : ive seen low budget anime with far better animation , i mean the freezing scenes , the animation errors , the glitchs , the anatomys whatthef*ckacities , the colors (bleached) . Et cest paa~as tooo~out (-Chef Otaku) : I mean in the early part(s) the fights/events were at least logic and strategic and you could beat your oppenent by intel/strategy/tactic even if hes far stronger , but now , now , hahahahaha , well its not , naruto just became Dragon Ball Bis , the characters become soo~o overpowered that the only way to beat them are stupid ways (suicide/seal/suicide/seal/suicide/seal/suicide/seal) , theres no shinobi world its just blowing mountains giant energy balls , powers are just too easy to obtain , random characters start apparing from the middle of nowhere , THE MIRROR OF THE HELL STORIES , the ludacris longetivity of the fights that are obviously if youre not blind , just made to sell more And thats it (i may forgot some points) but i still hope that the review is clear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other reviews : -D-gray Mans review: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1452949258282672&set=gm.722180504508457&type=1&theater -Ashita No Joe s review :https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1452122605032004&set=o.424576700935507&type=3 -Triguns review :https://facebook/groups/ -Black Lagoon s review: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1452788331632098&set=o.424576700935507&type=3&theater -Baccanos review: https://facebook/groups/ -Rainbows review:https://facebook/groups/ -Wolfs Rain review :https://facebook/groups/ -Samurai Champloos review :https://facebook/groups/ -Hellsings review : https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1454530854791179&set=o.424576700935507&type=3 -Mushi-shis review : https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1454704978107100&set=o.424576700935507&type=3 -Berserks review : https://facebook/groups/ -Serial Experiments Lain s review : https://facebook/groups/ -Tokyo Ghouls review : https://facebook/groups/ -Monsters review : https://facebook/groups/
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:19:40 +0000

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