Instead of allowing Biafrans to nurse their wounds in the peace of - TopicsExpress


Instead of allowing Biafrans to nurse their wounds in the peace of their homeland, Nigeria propelled by share hatred and arrogance of power declared a war of aggression against the beleaguered Biafrans. Nigeria wanted the land of Biafra without the people of Biafra and conducted a three year genocidal war to achieve that purpose. At the end of it all, about 3.5 million different men, women and children were killed in their homeland. I have never read anywhere that people of different cultures and religions have been forced to unite by share military means. The American civil war was a unique case. Prior to that war, all the states had voluntarily consented to join the union after a gruesome war of independence against the British. But when the southern states refused to give up slavery and decided instead to secede from the union, the northern states led by Abraham Lincoln took up arms against the south as a matter of principle. The north believed that since all men were created equal, it was unjust for people to own slaves at private property. The American civil war was not in reality to unite the country, but a war in defense of human right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. In its genocidal enterprise, Nigeria obtained the ready military and diplomatic assistance of Britain, the formal soviet union, Spain, the then Organization of African Unity led by the formal Ethiopian head of state Emperor Haile Selassie, non-alliance nations led by President Tito of formal Yugoslavia and the United Nations Organization led by U Thant. The lie being bandit about by Britain and Nigeria was that if Biafra was allowed to secede from Nigeria, the whole of Africa would be afflicted by the disease of secession. Shamelessly, the so called civilized world colluded with Nigeria in the massacre of millions of Biafran men, women and children. The principle of human rights was thrown to the winds. Biafra was strangled by overwhelming military force, diplomatic frauds and starvation. Even, christian charity organizations and the International Red Cross were dissuaded and frustrated by Britain and Nigeria from delivering urgently needed food material and medicine which would have saved lives. Whether we believe it or not, there is a great being who is in control of events on earth. Some refers to him as Karma, we call him God. Nigeria thought that once Biafra was defeated in battle, everything would be alright and she will live happily ever after. There is no way you can spill the blood of 3.5 million people and expect that there would not be some retributions. We all know what is happening to Nigeria today. What of the greatest ally of Nigeria during that war against Biafrans; Britain? One quiet afternoon early last year, two machete wielding Nigerian extremists attacked a British soldier and killed him in broad day light and bragged about it. That event was one of the worst greatest insults inflicted on a world power such as Britain. Right now, Scotland is in the process of seceding from Britain after about 400years of marriage voluntarily entered into by England and Scotland. Yet, it was the same Britain that scared the world stiff about the impending vulcanization of Africa should Biafra go its way and let the chorus of the sanctity of the territorial integrity of Nigeria as the Biafran war of independence raged on. I do not know what will happen to the territorial integrity of Britain when Scotland eventually secedes. The truth is that a territory can never be more important than the people who live in it. That is the basic principle of human rights. But the British government under the leadership of Harold Wilson did not believe that the Biafran people were entitled to the same human rights which British people enjoyed. That is why Harold Wilson is one of the list respected world leaders today. As leader of the Organization of African Unity, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, campaigned against the existence of Biafra because he believed that if Biafra was allowed to exist, the province of Eritrea which was then part of Ethiopia would secede. But in spite of Haile Selassie, Eritrea is now an independent nation.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 19:59:27 +0000

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