Instead of being unprofessional and posting on a certain news - TopicsExpress


Instead of being unprofessional and posting on a certain news page, Im going to be unprofessional and post on mine :) Ive read too many negative comments on the 3 who joined us for our event this weekend. I just laughed most of them off then I read this post that was along the lines of, I question the event organizers judgement to choose these as their celebrities... Oooook I will refrain from what I want to say and just say this...These 3 have ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS traveled very far, even by plane, to come and raise donations and do different things for charity. They have NEVER asked to be paid, they WANT to do this. They all came to me and asked to be a part of it! We raised almost $400 and a TON of toys and books for Mott Childrens Hospital. They are not walking around promoting teen pregnancy and getting paid for it. Dear God, people are unreal. And do they know they look pathetic and jealous? Defensive? Sure. Weve gotten to know these people and its beyond annoying. Not to mention we worked so unbelievably hard to put this event together and it was so overwhelming, then you read stuff like this???? P.s. What exactly are all the people who are posting these comments doing for families this Christmas? Weird. Rant over and I appreciate you all for letting me vent here instead of sticking my foot in my mouth elsewhere :) Thank you again for everyone who continues to make these events amazing!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:57:39 +0000

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