Instead of furloughing our military, federal government workers - TopicsExpress


Instead of furloughing our military, federal government workers and contractors who DO their jobs. Why not stop paying the House and the Senate until they accomplish the following tasks: pass the federal budget for 2013 -2015, give ALL military active and retired a minimum 15% annual pay increase effective immediately, pass a guaranteed 7.5% annual pay increase for ALL active duty and retired military, DOD and Federal Civil Service workers, reduce the pay of House and the Senate by a minimum of 35% annually effective immediately, Revoke ALL guaranteed pay increases for both the House and the Senate effective immediately, pass a Law requiring ALL future pay and term issues for both the House and the Senate to be voted on by the public in special ballot, pass a federal law limiting a term for both the House and the Senate to two years with a maximum 2 terms of service, pass a federal law requiring both the House and the Senate to provide their own health insurance and pay for it themselves, pass a federal law requiring both the House and the Senate to pay into social security, pass a federal law requiring both the House and the Senate to pay for their own travel, rental vehicles, meals etc. when doing "paid" speaking engagements. pass a federal law requiring both the House and the Senate to pay off the national debt not later than 31 December, 2020, pass a federal law requiring both the House and the Senate to pass the federal budget for the coming fiscal year not later than 31 December the prior calendar year.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 04:34:11 +0000

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