Instead of meditating on ideas like this: "I am born a sinner, and - TopicsExpress


Instead of meditating on ideas like this: "I am born a sinner, and will die a sinner but through the blood of Christ I am forgiven. Everyday will be a struggle because the devil is very good at what he does," how about we affirm things like this from now on: I know IF I do sin, I have an advocate with the Father. amen! (1 John 2:1), but I choose to dwell on the reality that: I am a saint (Eph 1:1) because He made me His righteousness (2Co 5:21) and I am blessed because I hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mt 5:6). I yield myself to righteousness (Ro 6:13) by putting on the breastplate of righteousness (Eph 6:14) and am looking forward to a crown of righteousness (2Ti 4:8). I know I am born again because I practice righteousness (1Jo 2:29) because that is the kingdom (Ro 14:17) of which I am a citizen (Phil 3:20) where I sit with Christ right now (Eph 2:6). I am dead to sin, buried with Christ, and raised to new life, like Him in resurrection, my old man crucified. Sin no longer has dominion over me as I live unto God and overcome lusts, yielding myself unto Him because of Grace (Rom 6:5-14) Because of my sainthood status, God compares me to: the Sun (Mt 13:43), Stars (Da 12:3), a Light (Mt 5:14; Php 2:15), Mount Zion (Ps 125:1,2), Treasure (Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4), Jewels (Mal 3:17) Gold (Job 23:10; La 4:2), Vessels of gold and silver (2Ti 2:20), Stones of a crown (Zec 9:16), Lively stones (1Pe 2:5), Little children (Mt 18:3; 1Co 14:20), Obedient children (1Pe 1:14), Members of the body (1Co 12:20,27), Soldiers (2Ti 2:3,4), Good servants (Mt 25:21), Sheep (Ps 78:52; Mt 25:33; Joh 10:4), Lions (Pr 28:1; Mic 5:8), Eagles (Ps 103:5; Isa 40:31), Doves (Ps 68:13; Isa 60:8), Thirsting deer (Ps 42:1), Good fishes (Mt 13:48), Dew and showers (Mic 5:7), Watered gardens (Isa 58:11), Unfailing springs (Isa 58:11), Vines (Song 6:11; Ho 14:7), Branches of a vine (Joh 15:2,4,5), Good figs (Jer 24:2-7), Lilies (Song 2:2; Ho 14:5), Willows by the water courses (Isa 44:4), Trees planted by rivers (Ps 1:3), Cedars in Lebanon (Ps 92:12), Palm trees (Ps 92:12), Green olive trees (Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6), Fruitful trees (Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8), Wheat (Mt 3:12; 13:29,30) Salt (Mt 5:13).
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:33:23 +0000

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