Instead of professional journalists simply reporting the facts, - TopicsExpress


Instead of professional journalists simply reporting the facts, the BBC decided to find the most manipulative and emotional means imaginable to sell Western talking points to Pakistani audiences… using a little girl as bait. It is unlikely Malala wrote on her own, and was instead coached by her exploitative, manipulative handlers. These handlers at the BBC were ultimately those responsible for her being attacked and nearly killed several years later, and have used her both to advance their own individual careers as well as the BBC’s reach into Pakistani domestic and expatriate audiences. Malala Yousafzai is indeed brave, and indeed a remarkable, capable young woman. Unfortunately she has become the centerpiece in a campaign of manipulating Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan’s ongoing crisis, as well as manipulating global perception of this regional conflict. The very people who set her up, nearly got her killed and are now exploiting her widespread fame upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize represent the conspirators who have created and are intentionally perpetuating violence on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border. These same people are wantonly killing Malala Yousafzai’s fellow Pakistanis, innocent men, women, and children. It is unlikely that Malala Yousafzai would have gained the prominence she has achieved today if her crusade was instead exposing the injustice and mass murder of America’s drone campaign against her fellow Pakistanis. It is unlikely she would be holding the Nobel Peace Prize or sitting down with the President of the United States if she had challenged the BBC and other Western media networks in their biased, skewed, and inadequate coverage of American drone strikes on her country. Indeed, just as the conflict itself is a manifestation of the West’s greed, meddling, depravity and all else that infects the minds of hegemons, the exploitation of Malala Yousafzai is not something to celebrate or congratulate, but rather mourn. Real progress and real issues will fade into the shadows along with the injustice being brought upon Pakistan by years of drones strafing and murdering its civilians, as the West manipulatively makes Malala Yousafzai’s story, rather than the story of hundreds if not thousands of mass murdered civilians, the center of the Pakistan’s narrative. For Malala Yousafzai herself, this talented and brave young woman will never reach her full potential, strung along by a system built on aggrandizing and flattery, awards and presidential visits, attempting to ensnare her into the very system that created and perpetuates to this day the deadly, regressive ideology that nearly ended her life in 2012.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 09:49:47 +0000

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