Instead of standing with Israelis and renouncing the terrorists - TopicsExpress


Instead of standing with Israelis and renouncing the terrorists THIS is the standard Muslim response: allegiance and loyalty to their fellow Jew Haters. Slingers Ive got an article out of a magazine “Giant Slayer: The unsung sling was low-tech, low-class and as lethal as a modern handgun” by foster Grunfeld. (I wish I could find it online.) My favorite part of the article was a sidebar that pretty much summed it up: “We must get hold of slingers and cavalry as soon as we can...According to Xenophon, the Persians did no further damage by their old methods of long-range fighting, since the Rhodians could sling farther than the Persian slingers and farther even than most of their archers.” Also people should read the Roman doctor Celsus and his description of removing “bullets”. Theres actually a Fresco of Pompeii showing a Roman surgeon “extracting a projectile”. The Greeks and Romans used to inscribe messages on their stones; “For Pompeys Backside”. When I was a kid I got hit in the back of the head by a rock thrown a block away from this other kid who got “lucky”. No Fun. It also said in the Grunfeld article “Local folklore has it that Balearic Slingers could sink ships at more than 500 yard. This sounds far-fetched, but nevertheless the Romans, when they arrived to conquer Mallorca in 123 BC after severl failed attempts, first stretched hides above the decks as protection against sling bullets and other projectiles.” Im reading Caesars Civil War. (Ive read the Wisemans Battle for Gaul twice). Slingers were an important and deadly addition to these armies. Its too bad the Palestinians cant grasp the old “sticks and stones” adage. But I guess thats their point. These “stone throwers” should be treated as the contemptible attempted murderers that they are. It makes me sick that they havent kicked these genocidal scum off the Temple Mount. At one time I had tolerance for all religions. That all changed with Islam. When I was a kid I was chanting “nam myo ho renge kyo” to a piece of paper. Hitch-hiking back east I hung out with the Children of God. I used to go to the Family Home Evenings with a Morman shipmate of mine in the Navy. Thing is, Islam is a disease, and Muslims are the symptom. I have no sympathy or empathy for them or their sick “religion of peace”. Especially after making an honest effort at understanding their religion and finding “Jihad in the Quran and Sunnah” by Sheikh Abdullâh bin Muhammad bin Humaid in a Summarized Bukhari Id ordered online. It was submitted almost as an Introduction. It scared me so bad I wrote a canned pitch I throw around like a religious tract: (Part of what scared me was this guy was a “an ex-chief Justice of Saudi Arabia. Ive also found out a lot about Saudi Arabia since then.) See also: The 4th Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research: Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel. Sept. 1968 Translated by D.F. Green/David G. Littman (Support Secure Freedom)Front to back; 95 pages of outrageous lies and vile Jew-Hatred. Read Andrew Bostoms The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism and read from page 51 on the above topic to page 53 the 2003 Putrajaya Islamic Summit and a little beyond to a speech by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi on the same page. The whole chapter is one horrific example after another of Islamic mass murder and pogroms but go ahead and start with this. And this: Dr. Wafa Sultan exposes Islamic values with Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad This less than 8-minute video segment, if viewed objectively and dispassionately, could do more to educate the American public on the theory animating the practice of “Islamic international relations,” without any further explanation required. Andrew G. Bostom-The Legacy of Jihad and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. I thought Id go ahead and include these as well: Islamists Project Islams Worst Traits onto Christians by Raymond Ibrahim raymondibrahim-com/9669/islamists-project-islam-worst-traits-onto Muslims Project Islams Worst Traits onto Israel and the Jews by Raymond Ibrahim raymondibrahim-com/8348/muslims-project-islam-worst-traits-onto-israel “While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest: Islam.” Mahatma Gandhi “we may describe it, (jihad), as a surgeons lancet and not a butchers knife.” Mahmoud Mohammed Taha (Im sure there are about 200 million dead people that would disagree with him. And this from the guy whos been called the Mahatma Ghandi of Islam.) About two years ago I ordered some reading material, including Tahas Second Message, and a “study” Koran to find out what this Islam thing was all about. When I was sixteen I was chanting nam yo ho renge kyo to a piece of paper, (gahonzen?), having NO idea what I was doing. A few years later, hair down to my ass and a knapsack on my back, I hitchhiked cross country, got saved in Nashville Tenn. and went to live on a Christian farm in Mansfield Ohio. (Not the prison.) My gramom called me a seeker. As I said, there came a time when I wanted to understand this religion of peace. It was Humaids article on jihad I found in my Summarized Bukhari that decided “things” for me. If Islam is the “religion of peace”, where in Sheikh Abdullah bin Humaids article on jihad can I find the equivalent of “Love Thy Neighbor” and “good will toward men”? And explain its prominence, and significance almost as an “Introduction”, in a book thats described as “the most authentic and true among the books of the Prophet”: My Summarized Sahih Al-Bukhari. Also address “jihad” as its defined in Reliance of the Traveller and answer the same question. (Chapter O-9.0: Jihad O: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion.” And explain why the “greater” jihad is only mentioned once here and never seen again in this “Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law”.) Compare Humaids “jihad” and Emmet Fox Sermon on the Mount and tell me which one best represents a spirit of Love and “compassion”. (A book I just happened to have finished when this book came in the mail.) And, again, tell me, why; Why, out of all the articles, out of all the words of pearly Muslim wisdom they could have put in this, “the most authentic and true among the books of the Prophet”, this is the one they chose. Please, if you want people to understand this “right of return” sham have them read The Haj by Leon Uris and Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabrielle. The two books that put a fire under my ass to start understanding this “Islam thing”. (They should also be sold as a gift set.)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 01:31:09 +0000

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