Instead of treating others according to their past mistakes-think - TopicsExpress


Instead of treating others according to their past mistakes-think about your past mistakes before Christ and how He responded to you. People are walking away way too soon without effort of EVER reconciling because of past wounds, bitterness or even unforgiveness. Oh be so careful!! If your heart has become hard-ask God to soften it, give you a pure heart and please repent. He will put in you a NEW heart! Ask yourself WWJD? It is NOT over until God says its over! Why dont you ask Him instead of asking everyone BUT him?? Listen to his voice. Do not allow your love to become cold. Never be desensitized to where you do not care any longer. People are real-with real hearts! When Jesus said it is finished-he meant it! I am so happy his mercies are NEW every morning not just new when he feels like passing out a mercy card every now and then;) He even removed our past after we repented and dont remember it anymore! So quit reminding him of what you did and quit treating people like they have a disease!!! It is finished my friends! Your past is covered in his blood that he shed on the cross. Forgive yourself and forgive others who keep wounding you!! STOP the cycle!! You have reaped the consequences long enough and have been through so much! Enough is enough! Quit putting dirt over yourself and allowing others to keep burying YOU! ARISE! Pick up your mat and walk. Say It is finished! WALK OUT OF YOUR OWN CELL-YOURE THE ONE WITH THE KEY See scriptures in comments below
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:24:15 +0000

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