Instead of trying to explain why this is better than donating - TopicsExpress


Instead of trying to explain why this is better than donating animal-based clothing to the homeless, Ill leave some comments from friends who have already summed up my thoughts. Donating animal-based clothing to the homeless is not vegan. Donating non-vegan clothes to the homeless is right in line with donating non-vegan foods to the homeless. I donate to the homeless regularly, both clothing and food all of which are 100% Vegan..... Its quite easy. The animal already died for that leather coat - donate it to the homeless. The animal already died for that steak - donate it to the homeless. Same thing.... it sets the tone that animal exploitation is ok, if you are on hard times... which I dont agree with.... By donating clothing made from the skin, fur, wool, etc of animals, youre sending out a message that it is absolutely okay to exploit animals how ever we see fit. Its completely disrespectful to the animals who were brutally murdered for their bodies. If you wouldnt donate the skins of children, why would you donate the skins of animals? Thats a speciesist way of thinking. On a side note, people often say well Ill just wear my old leather until it wears out. Do you know how long it takes leather to wear out? YEARS! Yes lets teach the homeless love by giving them clothing that symbolizes violence. That makes no sense. (sarcasm) Products that were stolen from animals arent at all ours to use in any way - plain and simple. I dont see why a vegan would willingly buy animal skins to donate when they could just as easily buy *used* vegan alternatives to donate. A thick 100% cotton hoody at a thrift shop can run around 3- 4 $ max.. at least in my area.. and a leather jacket is up to 6 times more expensive. If you wouldnt give someone human skin to wear to keep warm, why on earth would you give someone animal skin to wear to keep warm..? How you answer that question shows your line of thinking when it comes to Animal Rights and their freedom. Answer the question please: Would you donate the skin of a child who was anally electrocuted, skinned alive or who had her throat slit to obtain her skin? Its a simple yes or no. If you choose no, than you shouldnt want to donate the skin of brutilized animals either. Simple. Why are vegans standing up for wearing animal parts? Seriously? Throwing these things out is not wasteful. You all have enough money to be on a computer or phone & to be spending time on the internet. Get rid of the body parts in your life & then if you really want to help others show them that the only option is not using animals, or slaves, or violence or any thing like that. Dont doublethink it; just be vegan. AND on top of all that its not a waste because organic matter feeds insects, larva, & worms; its a service to give something back to the soil for a change. If I found a dead rabbit in my yard, would I bring its body to a homeless person to eat, or would I give it a respectful burial? I vote respectful burial.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:09:09 +0000

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