Instrumental Music In Worship Is Sinful Kenneth E. Thomas - TopicsExpress


Instrumental Music In Worship Is Sinful Kenneth E. Thomas Mechanical instrumental music in worship is wrong (SINFUL) because of at least the following reasons: 1. Its Use Does Not Respect The “Silence” of the Scriptures (I Peter 4:11). The oracles of God have been revealed, i.e. His Word (Jude 3; Heb. 1:1-2; II John 9; Eph. 3:1-6; I Cor. 2:1-13). The New Testament is called the “Perfect Law of Liberty” (James 1:25). In the New Testament we find no mention of mechanical instruments, so, they cannot be used and still “speak as the oracles of God.” Likewise, we cannot claim to believe in the “perfect law of Christ” while using something unauthorized therein (Luke 6:46)! See II Timothy 3:16-17 and II Peter 1:3. Mechanical instruments in worship cannot be defended as a part of the revelation Jesus called “all truth” (John 16:12-13) because they are not mentioned therein! The will of Christ is based on what it says, not on what it does not say (Heb. 7:14)! Why were there no priests from the tribe of Judah under the Old Testament? Because Moses spake nothing about such, that’s why! Men must learn to respect the silence of God as well as “when” and “what” He says. 2. Its Use Violates The Principle of “Walking by Faith” (II Cor. 5:7). “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17; John 6:44-45; Matt. 28:19-20; Rom. 10:14-15). Since not one passage of Scripture authorizes the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship, it cannot be an act of faith. Paul says “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23). No act can possibly be an act of faith without any Scriptural instruction. See II John 9. The New Testament authorizes singing (Matt. 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Rom. 15:9; I Cor. 14:15; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Heb. 2:12; Heb. 13:14; James 5:13). Singing is vocal music. Playing is mechanical instrumental music. That is adding another “kind” of music. It is impossible to obey the Lord’s commands in these passages by playing a mechanical instrument! One must sing to do what is commanded in them. Don’t forget Cain as well as Nadab and Abihu as you consider your actions in this matter. See Revelation 22:18-19 and Leviticus 10:1-4. 3. Mechanical Instruments Violate the Principle of Promoting Unity Among Followers of Christ. All Christians are encouraged to “have the mind of Christ” (Phil. 2:5). If in fact we do, we will desire and work for unity among His followers based on His apostle’s words just as He prayed we should (John 17:17,20-21). We will be content to “abide in the apostle’s doctrine” as did early disciples (Acts 2:42). Paul, an inspired apostle, admonishes us to “all speak the same thing and have no divisions among us” (I Cor. 1:10). He calls man-made divisions a sign of “carnality,” not of spirituality in (I Cor. 3:1-3). Wherever the instrument has been introduced into assemblies among brethren, it has caused division. Those who opt for its use admit that the Scriptures are silent about its use. They also admit that it is scriptural not to use it. They still, however, attempt to justify its use as an expedient. Some equate it with a song leader, lights, notes, the parts such as bass, alto, tenor or soprano. The fact is that when we use all of those things which are indeed aids to singing, all we have done is to SING! When an instrument is added, you have another kind of music. See? There are three rules by which we may determine an expedient: It must be lawful (II John 9; Col. 3:17). It must not destroy the faith of brethren (I Cor. 1:8-13; 10:32-33). It must not cause division (John 17:20-21; Eph. 4:1-2; I Cor. 1:10). 4. Mechanical Instruments Destroy The Fundamental Principle of Worship. We Must Worship in Truth! (John 4:24) The standard of truth is God’s word (John 8:31-32; 17:17). The truth only authorizes singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). Instrumental music in worship belongs to the doctrines and commandments of men which Christ Jesus says renders one’s worship vain (Matt. 15:9).
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:45:55 +0000

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