InsyaAllah, will start a journey to the unfamiliar ground that are - TopicsExpress


InsyaAllah, will start a journey to the unfamiliar ground that are great importance in the history of human settlement and inspirational civilisations. Located at a point where Mediterranean and Southeastern Anatolia intersect. A place where the city border with Syria. Most of its land is located in the east of Southeastern Anatolia and one part is located on the east of Mediterranean. The region fame for its Mesopotamia history, where many first civilisations were born and it is at the intersection of the roads coming from the South and from the Mediterranean going to the East, the North and the West. Therefore the area gives direction to history and to the present day it has been the living area and meeting place beginning from pre-historic eras. The historical Silk Road passed through, which helped prolong the cities importance and ensure its livelihood. The historical periods of chalcolthic Paleolithic Iron, Hittite, Mede, Assyrian, Persian, Alexandrian, Selencid Roman, Byzantine, Islam-Arabic, Islam-Turk periods. It is possible to see the signs of all these periods even today. According to the archeological findings, remains of Stone and Copper Ages, show that this region is one of the oldest settlement areas in Anatolia. The Region was under the reign of the Babylonian Empire for some time, then in the 1700s B. C. became a Hittite town. Hittite is the people of Our prophets, Nabi Daud Alaihisalam and Nabi Sulaiman Alaihisalam. Earlier centuries, this are the region where Nabi Ibrahim Alaihisalam ( Prohphet Abraham p.b.u.h) birth of place and living area. In the first world war, National Independence War history showed braveness, hero and devotion. The area defended by its unique braveness aroused the people and saved itself and southeast Anatolia from the occupation forces. It has taken its place in history with the national unity and individuals braveness. Singing to myself, MasyaAllah, What A Wonderful World, Somewhere Over The Rainbow and My Way... :)
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:07:42 +0000

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