Integrity; A Panacea For Political Instability By Samuel Askia - TopicsExpress


Integrity; A Panacea For Political Instability By Samuel Askia Jr Integrity is the paramount credential any positive society should look out for in choosing her elective and appointed representatives. This characteristic seems to be relegated in the choice of choosing representatives in our various political engagements. I often wonder why we are so desirous of development yet we substitute integrity for ethnic and sectional sentiments. In Nigeria, other insignificant factors are considered above Integrity; which is the primary feature of good governance and productivity. It is more appalling when men with proven records of integrity are perceived as uncompromising and unfriendly. The foundation of any government not anchored by men of integrity will surely collapse. Nigerian Political Landscape is currently suffering from lack of vision and sustainable development because it has been infected by an incurabale pestiferous behaviour of choosing representatives on the alter of sentiments rather than Integrity. Integrity allows for leaders to take responsibility for their actions and inactions, thereby reducing lies and unwarranted manipulation of the citizenry. The Nigerian Political Space right now is about to collapse, we are pressured into regional, religious and social divides with no consideration for Integrity. Nigerian Politicains are not held accountable to their words, serving government officials disrespect their oath of office with prodigious manipulations and misrepresentation of facts. The Nigerian Political Space is administered through incoherent Policies, reckless statements are accepted by the populace as a new convenient way of life. More disheartening is the negative response of citizens to any clarion call, attempting to remedy our already pathetic political behaviour towards prioritising Intergrity. If Nigerians must get it right, if Nigerians must productively compete with other Nations of higher esteem, then, we must resolve to integrate Integrity into our process of political decision making. We must champion Intergrity as a parameter for choosing candidates in our various political parties. There is no substitute for Integrity, as Integrity breeds Responsibility while Responsibility breeds Rational Decision Making which in turn guarantees us sustainable Policies of Development. Time to act is Now!!! God bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:38:59 +0000

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