Intelligence!? Humans claim to be the most intelligent beings on - TopicsExpress


Intelligence!? Humans claim to be the most intelligent beings on the face of the earth. We can write symphonies, build buildings, and create art. yet we spend all of our time and money working on cures instead of teaching prevention. We use other species without regard to their feelings or their own right to life, yet we boast that what separates us from the animal kingdom is our humanity. How smart are we...really? Yes, we can do things other animals cant, but...what good is intelligence if we dont also possess self discipline and channel our intelligence to do what is right.? We knowingly and willfully are destroying our earth, polluting our land, poisoning our water and we continue to eat modified and toxic foods. We know that meat is not sustainable and unhealthy, yet we continue to raise more and more animals for food while treating them worse and worse. We make power stations that can cause catastrophic accidents that can destroy large portions of our planet, billions or sea lives, and millions of people and yet we continue to build nuclear power plants. What good is having intelligence when you dont do what you know to be right????? What good is a symphony when you have no water to drink? Or a nice car when there is no gas. The few self disciplined people that are doing the right thing are laughed at, and are joked about and even bullied. They are called hippies, tree huggers, extremist, weirdos, and sometimes even terrorist. Vegans are a class of people that make lifestyle changes, sacrificing for the good of others by being responsible. They live by doing the least amount of harm to the planet and all of its inhabitants. They spend time researching so they know what to buy because every dollar spent is a vote. The power is within each one of us. We can choose to do the right things, or we can throw intelligence and discipline to the wind and keep on a path of destruction. All it takes is a decision and a commitment.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 03:12:36 +0000

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