Intelligence can not be measured accurately, There are many - TopicsExpress


Intelligence can not be measured accurately, There are many expressions of intelligence. Cultural expressions of intelligence are often ignored for ethnocentric reasons Intelligence does not mean IQ. There is NO SUCH THING AS IQ. But, there IS such a thing called an IQ test score. IQ tests are about performance on school readiness/school savy tasks This is a very Western idea that really has more to do with culture and western schooling than intelligence in a sense. (Do not think at all that someone who has a high IQ is just book smart because one CAN be street smart and book smart, so no discussions about school versus the street. Books do not make one dumb about the street and the street does not make someone dumb about books. ) A score on a test is NOT the same thing as intelligence. IQ tests were developed first in France, the idea then went to England and to Boston early in the twentieth century. They were specifically designed to predict SUCCESS IN SCHOOL in a Western , USA culture sort of school. One can be very very intelligent and do horribly on an IQ test. Think of a very very smart Amazonian Indian. However, one can not be STUPID and do well on an IQ test. IQ TESTS are not capable of capturing all manners of expressing intelligence One of the mistakes in thinking that Darwin made was that there was a hierarchy of intelligence between cultures. This is not true. There are brillant people , very intelligent people within EVERY culture. And there are very dumb people in every culture. No one culture has a corner on intelligence. In the USA , people often speak about street smart vs book smart. (what about music smart, people smart, health smart, weather smart, hunting smart, animal understanding smart etc.?) . The whole argument about being street smart OR book smart is fallacious. One can definitely be both and many people are. One can be VERY INTELLIGENT and ALSO Street smart. So forget about telling some story of someone who is smart in school but could not make it in the real world. The most intelligent person is the person who can solve the hardest problem. The most intelligent person is the person who can solve the most different kinds of hard problems. The most intelligent person is the person who can do this the quickest. It does not matter what sort of problems a culture presents. And being successful in school is the BEST way our culture prepares us for being successful. It is just not how Amazonian Indians or Aborigines prepared themselves. Having a high IQ test score predicts someone is capable of doing well in school. Having a low IQ test score predicts the probability of not doing well in school. A very very intelligent Amazonian who has had not contact with Western ways would probably not do well in school. And as a piece of information, most college students have an average IQ test score of 115, which is above the average score of 100. Does anybody have any other information they would like to share? Or comment???
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:07:13 +0000

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