Intelligent People All Have One Thing In Common: They Stay Up - TopicsExpress


Intelligent People All Have One Thing In Common: They Stay Up Later Than You. There’s an electricity in the moon. A pulse, a magic, an energy. A bewitching entrancement unlike that of the sun. The moon is for things unseen, things done in the shadows and beneath the fog. Under bridges and beneath bed sheets — it’s for wild hearts and unconcerned minds. It’s where plans are made in dark alleyways and secrets revealed under the soft haze of light coming through the cracks of closed shutters. It’s when fugitives escape and kids run away. It’s when girls lose their virginities on torn leather seats and boys get into trouble. It’s when the suffering take their lives and the lonely seek comfort. It’s when we fall in love — that passionate, all-consuming, purposeful love that always looks a little different in the light of day. It’s by night that we see our true desires. We reflect on our moments of unhappiness and those yearnings that are momentarily blinded by the sun. It’s when we become poets and philosophers, martyrs and murderers. It’s when we form regrets of days past and that profound hatred for those who hurt us. It’s when we choke on our tears through deep sobs that can only pour onto dark pillowcases. The night is for passion. It’s for fanaticism, romance and trouble. It’s when your most tender, authentic and suppressed sides come out to play under the nonjudgmental eyes of the stars. It’s for all those things you could never dream of doing by day, under the watchful eyes of the sun. It’s no wonder night owls are more intelligent than those who hit the hay early. It makes sense that those who absorb the energy of the moon are more creative and open-minded than those who like to catch the early worm. It’s only natural that those who go to bed earlier never experience the psychological and emotional changes that occur under the blanket of darkness. According to “Psychology Today,” intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal than people with lower IQ scores. In a study run on young Americans, results showed that intelligent individuals went to bed later on weeknights and weekends than their less intelligent counterparts. Average brains were conditioned to follow this sleep pattern, while the more inquisitive, intellectual ones want to defy that pattern and create their own. It’s an unconscious defiance that comes from refusal to acquiesce to the idea of mass appeal.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 03:46:07 +0000

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