Intensity or Watts is a measurement of your power or output - - TopicsExpress


Intensity or Watts is a measurement of your power or output - which is why watts training is often referred to as “training with power.” In scientific terms, a watt is equal to one “joule” per second – with a “joule” being the derived unit needed to accelerate a mass of one kilogram over a distance of one meter. Watts is your power to overcome inertia and make things go – faster. As a measurement of performance output, what is important about watts is the fact that watts are objective. WHY TRAIN WITH WATTS? The capability of observing your watts as you water tower gives you immediate and quantifiable feedback on the intensity of your workout. When concentrating on watts you stay motivated to maintain your target workload during hard efforts. This type of training will build your endurance, increase your speed, make you stronger pulling the hummer at longer intensity pace and overall, simply improve your physical performance. Watts can also help you pace your efforts. Instead of training too hard and becoming fatigued, you can monitor your watts input to stay within your target zone and complete a workout knowing you are exercising at your personal best. If losing weight is one of your goals, a watts based training program can also help you be successful. When you monitor and record watts, you get the most accurate measurement of calories burned during your workout. You can use this information to help plan your caloric input to loose, maintain, or gain muscle weight depending on your personal goals. Now hard can you pull the water tower for you max effort Watts? Come find out! Water Rowing at EB30X 708 955 1074
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 15:31:35 +0000

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