Inter the Bible Romans 2 1-2 Lesson 1. Therefore you are - TopicsExpress


Inter the Bible Romans 2 1-2 Lesson 1. Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whosoever you are that judges: for wherein you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you that judges does the same things. Now, let’s briefly go back over those “same” things; all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful. Now some of us may suffer from being knowingly guilty of some of these sins, but definitely, not all. Still Jesus said if you are guilty of one, you are guilty of all, because all of them are brought about by greed. Greed is the root of all sin, no matter the sin. It would take more time than I have here to go back through each of them and find the greed that was the root of them, but I assure you, it can be done. For greed is not limited to financial gain. What we do need to remember, is that “judging,” at the time this was written, referred to someone having the power to physically punish someone, which is a power most of us are not endowed with, but we can still abuse others with lies, and mental abuse, or by seeing to it that they are cut off from family or society. For those who are guilty of a violent or harmful acts, that is required, in order to protect the innocent from those who would hurt them, as members of a jury, we are required to judge, based upon the facts as they are presented, according to the guideline given from a judge. This Judgment goes back to the time when members of a community would take it upon themselves the right to judge and do so, and in the process of unlawful judging, would commit many of the sins mentioned here. Which is one of the basic problems with those in the Muslim religion today. 2. But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. Being human, we do not have the power that God does, through the Holy Spirit, to know the full truth about someone and what they might have done. God does, He judges everyone based upon the absolute facts, and despite the fact that most of the time, we do not see or understand how God carries out that judgment, rest assured, God does judge everyone, and as they have done, God will do double to them, with a goal, not of punishing, but to teach them to never want to treat anyone that way again, and if we look at the world, honestly, we find that that is what is happening. The world is a far, far, better place to live in than it was just a 100 years ago, and the changes between today and the time of Jesus are tremendous. Yes there are a few who foolishly take up arms and set out to kill or maim, not realizing, that what they do, will be done to them, by God, in time. They will experience the terror of being shot, just as they shoot others, they will feel the pain and suffering that they were responsible for to the loved ones and friends of those they harmed. God’s goal is not to punish, but to teach, He wants them to feel the anguish and pain, so they will never want to be responsible for making someone suffer in that way again. They seek someone to kill them and if that doesn’t happen they will attempt to kill themselves, foolishly thinking that death is the end-all, it isn’t, we live forever. God uploads our mind, which contains our consciousness and our memories, through the Holy Spirit, and then sealing off the memories, replaces our mind in the brain of a newly forming baby in its mother’s womb, beginning at about the sixth week of a pregnancy. God has our life planned out for us, based upon the life we have just lived. Hebrews 9:27 once we die, then comes the judgment. The “once” does not mean that we only live once, only that after each life, we are judged, and are then set to live out the judgment of God, for if we only lived once, we would never be remade into the image of Jesus. The tale of Job, would be a Sunday picnic, compared to the life of someone who had to bear the total judgment for all of their sins in their lives up to the point where they begin to act like a sane and civilized human being, and of course, all the sins committed until they reach the point where they love God and their neighbors as themselves, no, living just one life and getting through all the trials and tests that God uses to cleanse us from our “desire to sin,” is not possible, it takes at least seven, which is the number of perfection, although God originally started with twelve, which is the reason there were twelve tribes in Israel. By the time of Jesus God had worked out His plan to accomplish it in seven lives. Gary Sechler With knowledge on loan from God
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:31:33 +0000

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