Interact Story Tag Interact has had a profound effect on so many - TopicsExpress


Interact Story Tag Interact has had a profound effect on so many peoples lives including mine. From that first FLC or service event till now, we have fallen in love with what interact has created for us. Through talking to various Interactors over the past few years, I have come to learn that each and every one of us has had their own individual experience. It is this combination of one of a kind experiences that help make up our Interact Stories. Through this tag, I hope that we as Interactors can share our stories and experiences as each and every one of them is so unique, special, and powerful. I can’t wait to see what you guys have. So these are the rules. 1. Copy and paste the Instructions and tag your fellow interactors. 2. Answer one of the following questions - What is your interact story? - What was your favorite Interact experience? - What is something you have learned through Interact? - What are you looking forward to for interact this year? - What effect has Interact had on your life? - Why do you love Interact? - anything else interact related you want to share 3. Add your favorite Interact picture or if you don’t have one, use this moment to shamelessly advertise the fabulous FLC flyer. 4. Tag your fellow interactors 5. Add the following hashtags - #becauseinteract #interactstory #interactd5170 6. Pass it on! What is your interact story? Thanks to Natasha Kuo for creating this tag and tagging me! I really havent publicly shared this story to many people outside of Piedmont and those in and out of Interact often wonder why am I so involved and who is this random guy who just keeps screaming and yelling at people? This is my story and it encompasses basically who I am as a person today. As a freshman, I was always SUPER shy, I had the nerdiest haircut (think bowl cut), I had transition glasses, lots of acne, and worst of all I thought I was the king of high school. I dont even know why I joined Interact or why I was so pumped when I got into the first meeting, but my friend Daniel Nghiem sat next to me in Physics class and almost forced me to take up a Board Member Application once I did join and I actually turned my application in a day late. THANKFULLY, Daniel took my application in even though it was late and got me an interview slot where I AMAZINGLY got board member. It was up to this point that fate had taken my hand and guided me to a path that would change my entire life. The second activity went to as a first semester freshman board member (I had no idea what i was doing...) was an activity called Fishing in the City where Interactors came together to a lake at 6AM, learned how to fish, taught underprivileged kids how to fish, and stayed with the for the entire day. This event was led by Nick Leon who at the time I had never met, but has become an enormous influence on my life and he probably doesnt even remember me from this event three years ago. I was in charge of signing members in and I remember distinctly the suspense I held as I secretly desired to be paired up with a super happy kid who would make the day fun for me as well as he/she. Unfortunately (or fortunately) because I was signing people in, the child I was paired up with was blind and all the while I was thinking damn... I have to look over this kid now all day. Oh how quickly that changed. This child was smiling, dancing, laughing, and just being downright happy in a place where we were all tired and grumpy. Blind. Yet still able to have more fun and take less for granted than very single person at that lake. This child has taught me more than I have ever been taught in my entire life. Despite his blindness and his disability, this child was able to laugh, to smile, to never once frown or say that he couldnt do anything. I couldnt let him bait the line, cast the line, or even get to close to the water, but nothing ever stopped him. He took nothing for granted and Im sure he was the one child who was able to enjoy the day the most. Now that made me think, if this young blind child could take such a small day and make it into such an amazing experience, who am I to be disappointed about this day? Or my life. This child showed gratitude, humility, optimism, happiness, and I say he berthed my passion for service. From there, my love for Interact just kept growing. I continued my passion and applied what I learned from that faithful day. And it all culminated last year where I was able to serve as Outreach Coordinator last year for District Council. That shy, know nothing, incredibly awkward freshman achieved something great and I hope that my efforts however small, made a difference in others lives whether through the stayovers or through just being able to meet and get to know others. I for one have been SO INCREDIBLY BLESSED with the opportunity to work with so many talented and amazing individuals and through everything, I love this club so very much. I honestly dont deserve all of the love and support I get from all of my Interact family. The people, the atmosphere, everything. Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten. Thank you Interact for being my family! Thank you Interact for being my life. :)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 05:32:32 +0000

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