Interactions made the day, they almost always do if you give them - TopicsExpress


Interactions made the day, they almost always do if you give them half a chance. I had a nine oclock appointment at the dealership to repair a small tear in the upholstery of the new truck. I dropped it off, walked across the street to Bloomingfoods for some breakfast and to do some grocery shopping. When I returned to see if my truck was finished I parked myself at one of the tables and settled in for the duration. I wasnt there but a moment and an extremely, colorfully, fashionably dressed older gal asked if she could join me. I recognized her and said youre from Brown County, she smiled and said, why yes I am, and the conversation took off from there. Shirl and I hit it off instantly. Not only are we both talkers, were both story tellers as well. Back and forth, the conversation covered just about everything. Shirl is also a person who knows how to get things done. She brought in her one week old car to have a cargo net installed. She made the appointment when she purchased the car, but the sales person responsible for the instillation had the day off. The first gentleman she spoke to informed her she would have to come back. Using the lame excuse that installing the cargo net was no simple matter, he showed her a four page instillation manual. I didnt get much of a look but were talking about four screws, and maybe five minutes. Shirl kept smiling, but remained firm. Young man I made the appointment, and now Im here. Why should I have to make another trip? The company man made himself scarce while we continued to visit. I thought about interceding on her behalf, but it was clear to me she was in complete control. Shirl said to me; I can be your best friend, or I can be a demon from hell. I could tell that about her. Pretty soon here comes one of the sales people she worked with the week before, and she politely informed him of her situation. Taking the matter in hand he proceeded to install her cargo net. But she wasnt finished yet. When company man walked by, she reminded him that she wanted the advertising bezel removed from her license plate. He visibly cringed and said; Say pretty please. This was a curious moment, and I wasnt sure if company man was about to meet the demon. Shirl smiled sweetly and said preeety pleease. All the while we talked. I found out her husband passed away in November, and she discussed his final days and her refusal to allow unnecessary last minute medical procedures. She also talked about the eulogy she wrote for him and how shes getting along now. In terms of spunk and personal bearing, she completely reminded me of my grandmother Lodie. Ive been missing her lately and it was wonderful to be with this gal who embodied so much of Lodies sprit. She got exactly what she came for. We were both finished at the same, and we made our way to the parking lot together. Dave, I had a lovely time with you, lets do this again some time. Shirl, I hope we do.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:35:07 +0000

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