Intercession of the Holy Spirit Before Jesus died, He said it is - TopicsExpress


Intercession of the Holy Spirit Before Jesus died, He said it is to your advantage that I go, because if I dont go the comforter, advocate, counselor or intercessor will not come. Today, I will be x-raying the benefits of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, specifically I will be expounding on the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26-27 says…And in like manner the Spirit joins also its help to our weakness; for we do not know what we should pray for as is fitting, but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered.27 But he who searches the hearts knows what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for saints according to God. (DARBY) Notice it says the Holy Spirit helps our weaknesses. The word helps originate from the Greek word “synantilambanomai,” pronounced (syoon-an-tee-lahm-VA-noh-may), which means to take in hand with,” or take hold with another who is labouring or take hold with, at the side for assistance. This is the same word Martha used when she asked Jesus to tell Mary to come help her in the kitchen. It portrays the idea, of someone undertaking a heavy task, with the entire weight of the task on him/her and someone else comes to his/her aid and joins to help bear the weight of the task, thus reducing the strain. You see, the Holy Spirit joins in to help your weaknesses (infirmity). Put differently the Holy Spirit helps to take a share in your weaknesses or helps in bearing your weaknesses. Notice that the word helps is a present, indicative, active process, which infers that the work of the Holy Spirit, taking a share of your weaknesses or infirmity is continuous. He does not do it one day and leave you on your own the next day. But, you might ask what is this weakness or infirmity? You see, the Greek word rendered weakness is “Astheneia.” It infers absence of strength, vigour or force, inability to understand what is going on in your life, inability to do great and glorious things or your lack of results. It connotes your inability to restrain corrupt desires or to bear the trials and troubles that inevitably surface in your lives. Now, to bring this to your daily lives, whenever, you labour with these things, such as lack of strength, the Holy Spirit comes to your aid to offer you strength and protection. When everything around you seems confusing, the Holy Spirit comes to your aid, helps you to make sense of the situation and unravel what is going on in your life. At times, when your life appears to be all motion and no movement, when your life appears to be going in circles year in year out, with no upward movement, with nothing to show for your actions, the Holy spirit helps your lack of results, by helping you achieve results. He also helps you restrain or curb inordinate desires and help bear trial and troubles that surfaces in your life. Holy Spirit shares the weight or load with you, so you do not carry it all by yourself. He helps lighten your burden. Hallelujah!!! You see, if you look back you will notice that there are some things you have gone through and have come out unscathed, but others who have gone through same thing, have not been the same ever since. The reason you came out unhurt is the Holy Spirit, He was there with you, helping lighten the burden, helping you bear everything life threw at you. He is the reason you don’t look like what you have been through. Hallelujah!!! In case you are wondering how the Holy Spirit accomplishes this in your life? Scriptures says … But the Spirit itself or Himself makes intercession with groaning which cannot be uttered.” Traditionally, the word intercession originates from the Greek word “Entychano.” But, in this case, it originates from the word “hyper entyhchano” and hyper connotes “on the behalf of. This infers that Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf, as your representative to produce results that are of benefit to you. You see, when you do something on someones behalf, you are doing it as their representatives, and the outcome or result of your action is for their benefit. You see, the Holy Spirit offers prayer on your behalf, as your representative, prayer that are suitable or appropriate under these circumstances of weakness. The Holy Spirit Helps you pray right, aids you to pray properly, through groanings which cannot be uttered. To learn more, you can call or write me to order my teachings on Holy Spirit. Pastor Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe, Joint Heirs International, #441 Cresecent, Brockton MA 02302 : Worship Hours: Sunday 10a.m, Wednesday 7p.m, Saturday 6a.m : Phone: 508-510-5540: Email: [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:11:54 +0000

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