Intercessors, Let there be no limit to what we take to God in - TopicsExpress


Intercessors, Let there be no limit to what we take to God in prayer, so that there may be no limit to Gods reign and rule in the soul of man and of all of life. Your obedience to pray is the vehicle through which Gods love will flow. True intercession is to love and have compassion for Gods creation, and being concern with the soul of man and the affairs of God. As we are in tune with the heart of God, he gives us the compassion of Jesus, literally putting ourselves in the place of another, taking on his or her conflict or condition as our own concern, you are touching God on behalf of others. God will move upon you as an intercessor to pray for them and release the authority of God to bring about deliverance, healing, and victory. God convened his heavenly council at Abrahams tent where he announced his purpose for Abraham, and the wickedness of Sodom. He gave Abraham opportunity to speak in his court and to intercede for his relative (Lot) that was in Sodom. Because of Abraham prayers, Lot was saved from the destruction of Sodom. As covenant people of God, we too have the Great privilege to come into his presence, approaching his throne boldly. There he will reveal his purpose to us and allow our voice to be heard ( in intercession) in the court of heaven. Stay focus, and keep praying, because there is no limit to Prayer. Kingdom Blessings!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:23:26 +0000

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