Intercontinental Championship – Bad News Barrett vs Dolph - TopicsExpress


Intercontinental Championship – Bad News Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler Dolph and Barrett lock up, with Barrett immediately shoving Ziggler in the corner, and beating him down. Ziggler fights back, and rolls Barrett up for a 2 count. Ziggler then hits a dropkick, and makes another cover for a 2 count. Ziggler bounces off the rope, but Barrett hits a clothesline, knocking Ziggler to the outside. Ziggler is thrown back into the ring, and is covered for a 2 count. Barrett puts Ziggler in a headlock. Ziggler gets out, and then begins his comeback. Ziggler then follows it with a neckbreaker. Ziggler goes for the Fameasser, but Barrett catches him into the Winds of Change. Barrett then goes for the Wasteland, but Ziggler gets out and hits the Zig Zag! Dolph goes for the cover but Barrett falls to the outside! Both men are down as we go to commercial. We return with Ziggler hitting 10 elbows to Barrett. Ziggler makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Barrett goes on the apron, and then launches Ziggler to the outside. Barrett then hits an elbow on Ziggler off the apron. Barrett drags Ziggler in the ring, and makes a cover for a 2 count. Ziggler is put into a headlock. Ziggler gets out, but then is caught with a wicked kick to the gut. Barrett makes the cover for a 2 count. Barrett goes up top, and Ziggler catches him with a facebuster from the top. Ziggler makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Ziggler then gets caught and is hit with Wasteland! Barrett makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer, but Ziggler moves and hits the Fameasser! Ziggler makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Barrett hangs on to the ropes. Barrett then goes for the Winds of Change, but Ziggler catches him with a roll up! Ziggler only gets a two count! Ziggler then goes for a splash in the corner, but Barrett hits Ziggler with the Bullhammer in mid air! Barrett makes the cover for the 3 count. Winner: Bad News Barrett #GE
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:55:57 +0000

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