Interesting .... Excerpt: in the house with Messiah The - TopicsExpress


Interesting .... Excerpt: in the house with Messiah The Apostle Paul states that the things of the spirit are foolishness to the carnal mind of man, as seen in the words: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ). This inability to perceive the things of the spirit is not only an obstacle to the non-believer, but also the believers. Without realizing it, both the church, as well as the Darwinist theories of life that a great number of Christians oppose, all possess the same congenital flaw -- i.e., they see man as a three-dimensional being who does not possess a pre-existent soul. The problem is that both the church and Darwin sees man as nothing more than what is observed with the physical senses. Thus, what we fail to recognize is the fact that the Darwinist perception of creation is merely a secularized version of the doctrine of the church which was orchestrated under the rule of the Emperor Justinian -- whereby the physical is the source of all life and existence -- which is totally opposite to the truth. The natural environment for the revelation of the Christ is that of a spiritual mindset which, for the lack of any other word, we call mysticism. Like the Bible itself, the root concept of mysticism embraces the idea that man has a nature that is not of this physical realm -- and he has within himself a source of knowledge that exceeds anything manifest in the outside world. In fact, the whole concept of first century New Covenant teachings is an acclamation that man possesses an intimate and direct connection with God, and he is not dependent upon a priest, church or religious organization for his salvation. The very idea that a force from God -- the Holy Spirit and Anointing of the Light -- can come upon a man, and open his mind to perceive and understand great truths that are not apparent to the normal person, is the very essence of Jesus teachings -- which teachings are synonymous with mysticism and what has throughout history been called gnosticism. When the Roman Government removed the sacred truths revealed by Jesus from their natural mystical/spiritual environment, the result was that Christianity was severed from the very source of truth and reality that Jesus revealed. To replace the essence of what was lost, artificial doctrines of belief were created which were then used to explain away spiritual concepts that the carnal mind of man does not possess the ability to understand. Thus, we must recognize that Darwinism is nothing more than an attempt to explain Creation within the mindset of the Emperor Justinians doctrine that was imposed upon the church -- a mindset that must be rejected today, if the church is to be born again into the vital spiritual force that it has the potential to be. Once these facts of history are acknowledged as valid, then all sincere Christians must question whether this fault that was imposed upon Christian thinking by the Roman Emperors of the past can be corrected today? This is a difficult question because of the obstacle seen in mans natural affinity to oppose change. Thus, the words of Jesus: “And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, The old is better” (Luke 5:39 NIV). The new wine is the timeless revelations received from spiritual realms; the old is the ideas of man that has been established by the philosophers and rulers of this world -- and is based upon a very carnal perception of Creation. What Jesus words ultimately proclaim is that in the same exact manner as the carnal Jews, a large number of modern Christians would immediately condemn the idea that the soul pre-existed the body. Why could such a prediction be made? Fundamentally, because everything that is preached today is based upon a quasi-Darwinist theology that the soul and spirit of man comes into existence at birth. From a doctrinal standpoint, present-day clergy and the body of believers would literally have to re-evaluate every element and concept of their thinking -- as well as its far-reaching implications -- on what they have come to believe since the time of their birth right up until the present. The concepts of Darwinism -- i.e., that we are the body, and we are nothing more than what we see -- has been culturally ingrained in the peoples thinking from the time they spoke their first words. Their mental conditioning and cultural speculation has been so completely programmed into a Darwinist model of Creation, that without a superhuman effort, they simply could not delve that deeply into the essence of their present-day reasoning and vision of life with which they have been imbued with. Human nature, then, would not permit them to even entertain a true spiritual mindset -- a mindset that would require them to re-evaluate everything they ever believed to be the truth.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:46:08 +0000

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