Interesting Questions-22 An unfair Affair Letter to the - TopicsExpress


Interesting Questions-22 An unfair Affair Letter to the Editor: GODS MESSAGE, May 2006, p.4 ROMANS 5:12 STATES that through one man, sin entered the world/ Am I correct in my understanding that the one man being referred to is Adam? if so, is there any way we can be set free from inheriting Adams sin? Are we and the next generations after us doomed to carry the curse of Adams sin? It just seems so unfair that I or my children have to pay the price for a mistake that was made by someone else. Patrick Montoya Jr. Anaheim, California , U.S.A. Editors reply: You are right in your understanding that the one man through whom sin entered the world being referred to in Romans 5:12 was Adam. However, with your question, is there any way we can be set free from inheriting Adams sin?, it appears that you believe that sin, particularly Adams sin, is inherited. Such thinking needs to be corrected. We should bear in mind that sin is the transgression of Gods law: Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law (I John 3:4, King James Version) Sin is what one commits when he breaks Gods commandments. It is not something that a person inherits from another person. Each person is accountable for his own sins and not for the sins of others, as the law of God states: Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin (Deut. 24:1 6, New King James Version) How is it, then, that through one man, sin entered world? Remember that prior to the first couples transgression of Gods law, sin did not exist on the earth. Man was placed in paradise, free from sickness and death, and having dominion over every living creature that was moving upon the earth (Gen. 1:28; 2:15, Ibid.). It was only when the first couple disobeyed Gods command that sin and death entered the world (Gen. 2;17- 3;16- 24, ibid.). Romans 5:12 states in full: Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. (Ibid) Having fallen from Gods grace, Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:23-24). And since then, mankinds history has been replete with suffering and death Since all have sinned, with the exception of our Lord Jesus Christ, all need to be forgiven in order to be reconciled with God. How can mans sins be forgiven? He must be reconciled with God through the blood of Christ: But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:1 3, New International Version) It is only through the blood of Christ that man can be reconciled with God, for without the shedding of the blood, there is no forgiveness (Heb. 9:22, ibid:) In view of this reconciliation between God and man, membership in the true Church of Christ is necessary for mans redemption and salvation because it is the Church of Christ that was redeemed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ: Take heed therefore to yourselves and to\ all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood. (Acts 20:28, Lamsa Translation)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 10:18:12 +0000

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