Interesting YouTube commentary. If you watch Fox News you may have - TopicsExpress


Interesting YouTube commentary. If you watch Fox News you may have seen the interview with Donald Trump, but there is much more info here including Bible verses that may relate to current world events. If you take the time to listen and consider, you will hear seeds that you will recall as the future unfolds. Pieces of Godly wisdom that will help you connect the dots and fill in gaps in your understanding of God and His ways with our world. We are bringing His wrath upon us and our children. Only those with open hearts and an ear to the Holy Spirit will consider the voices that cry out to show us the error of our ways and the hardness of our proud, arrogant, and impudent hearts. Most of you will just consider me a fool. (Assuming youve stayed with me long enough that youre still reading this). So be it. I really dont care. I only post it to help those open it the possibility that our current christian culture and belief system could be flawed and be limiting our understanding of how bible prophecy has long ago foretold what is now beginning to unfold around us. If we wake up from our stupor and spiritual slumber, we may save ourselves and our families from the impending doom just ahead. The bible calls it: The Time of Jacobs Trouble. We are Jacob. Until you accept this, your confusion will remain. Once you process the 10 Lost Tribes historical migration and spread from the Caucasus Mountains to Western Europe and the British Isles (the root word for Britain comes from Hebrew and means Covanant People), you will see Old Testament prophecy from an e entirely new light! Im beginning to do so myself and share some info in my posts to help others explore for themselves. As the bible says: Let he who has ears hear what the Spirit says unto the churches. The question I ask is this: ...Are YOU listening? Shalom.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 00:53:59 +0000

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