Interesting article Ive put on my page for some of you that havent - TopicsExpress


Interesting article Ive put on my page for some of you that havent liked my page already see what you think Sorry its a long one DIETING.....& LOSING WEIGHT.... NOT JUST FOR BODYBUILDERS somethings you may & not know 😃 When you eat less, you burn less - thats how the metabolism mechanism works right ??? When you diet, your body does everything it can to fight you, as it responds to a cut in caloric intake by burning fewer calories. Called the starvation response, its how humans naturally make do with far fewer calories and carbohydrates. The body downgrades its calorie-burning potential by dropping its levels of metabolic-boosting hormones, including leptin, thyroid hormones and, to a lesser degree, growth hormone. One way to sidestep this adaptation is to include a day of jacking up another hormone - insulin - by eating plenty of fast-digesting carbohydrates. A CHEAT DAY! Quick carbs ie junk food / fast food pizza etc trick your system into believing your strict diet is over, thus bumping those calorie-burning hormones back to steadier normal levels. When you return to a caloric deficit by eating less, you do so with a better metabolism, one in which hormones that support fat burning are no longer suppressed. Everybody hits a roadblock from time to time when they are unable to drop excess bodyfat - even pro bodybuilders, who do it for a living. Often, the problem relates to a sluggish metabolism, which can be fixed. Sometimes, however, the issue is simply the need for a fresh stimulus. Following the same training plan day in and day out doesnt work forever because, in order to make continual progress, things MUST change. You have to give your body a reason to drop additional bodyfat; that calls for decreasing calories and carbs to extremely low levels. Simply by lowering your carb intake on two separate days of the week - say Tuesday and Friday - down to as few as a weighed out 50-70 grams (g). The shock radically reduces glycogen stores, which are directly related to burning fat. When glycogen levels (the amount of stored carbohydrates located in muscles) fall, fat burn rises precipitously. It would be nice to cut calories and cruise into a competition or simply have a lean physique without ever having to readjust your diet. In the real world, the process is never that easy. Many factors come into play that can make losing the excess weight quite a pain in the butt 😜 When the extreme low-calorie days discussed no longer work, it may be an idea to slash carbs to 30 g for four days, Monday through Thursday, while subsequently supplementing with 20-25 g a day of medium-chain triglycerides & 3-5g of carnitine. All natural (MCT Oil is a fatty elixir. It is a valuable source of medium chain triglycerides to provide valuable fatty acids and bypass the usual fat metabolism pathways, providing the body with healthy, instant energy.) Coconut oil, hemp seed oil, pumpkin seed oil. Taking carnitine with omega-3 fish oil is one of the simplest things you can do to lose weight and raise your energy levels. The good thing about carnitine is that by elevating the amount of carnitine stored in your muscles, you will see improvements in your quality of life. Fat loss and more energy are two of these benefits, but taking carnitine is known to improve all of the following: • High-intensity work capacity • Increase athletic performance • Speed your recovery from intense exercise • Make your brain work better • Prevent oxidative stress that leads to longer term health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic inflammation Those supplements help promote a metabolism shift in which greater amounts of fat are burned. When carbs radically plunge and stay low, ketone formation increases. Ketones are byproducts of fat breakdown and can help make you leaner by causing a small uptick in the metabolic rate. Ketones are also highly effective at preventing muscle loss when carbs remain radically lower; ketones are burned preferentially to muscle tissue. If there are large quantities of ketones floating around in the blood, the body will burn those rather than melt away muscle tissue. Carnitine is a cousin to amino acids & supports fat loss by funneling fatty acids into the machinery in muscle cells where they are burned, giving your body energy while leaning you out. Carnitine also aids in the metabolism of ketones, helping you access the energy within them, while offering additional metabolic support by making ketones more efficient at preventing muscle breakdown. Both actions contribute to greater fat loss. When you cut carbs, be it for two or four days, or remain on a low-carb diet for an extended period of time, you may notice that your muscles take on a flat appearance. Unless youre about to step onstage, theres really nothing too wrong with flat muscles, generally - flatter muscles are actually an indication that muscle glycogen stores arent jacked, and lower glycogen stores encourage fat burning. Flattening out, though, has the potential to interfere with maintaining your muscle during a prolonged diet. Many things can influence whether you will hold or lose muscle mass while getting leaner, one of which is the water level within your muscles. Glycogen has the effect of pulling water into your muscles, which encourages muscle retention; in other words, water allows you to hold onto mass. When glycogen levels drop during a diet, the water levels inside your muscles also drop, jeopardising that all-important muscle retention. How can you keep water inside your muscles while keeping a tight check on carbs? By adding salt to your diet. Sodium helps keep water in the body. Most believe it traps water under the skin, which is true, but it also drives a special internal pump that allows the glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids and creatine to make their way into muscles. All three drag water with them, influencing fluid receptors in muscles that encourage muscle retention. Holding onto muscle, which unlike fat stores is a calorie-burning powerhouse, helps keep your metabolic rate elevated. It may seem counterintuitive, but salt can help you strip of that excess body fat. When cutting carbs, take in 20 milligrams of sodium per pound of bodyweight per day. ( Low Salt is best ) The usual monkey wrench in the dieting equation - burning less when you eat less - may be avoided if you offer your system strong metabolic support to keep it revving when overall calories are reduced. Well-formulated fat-burning products increase levels of norepinephrine (NE), a hormone that triggers the breakdown of bodyfat. NE levels generally rise when training, but the problem for some people is that NE levels start to decline as a diet continues. Its a part of the adaptation response, in which your body gets stubborn and tries to fight you in your quest to lose weight. NE support can keep you from entering a starvation state; the more you can do to avoid a metabolic adaptation and slowdown, the more likely youll achieve a tight level of conditioning. Other known NE inducers include caffeine, niacin and supplements derived from capsicum or ginger. Cardio - The body adapts to cardio rather quickly, which means it responds to continual cardio work by burning far fewer calories than you would normally expect. Its an adaptation response, akin to what happens when we diet or use the same weight-training program for an extended period of time, your body just gets used to it! However, going to the extreme with cardio for a couple days can exert a big jolt on your metabolism. This is why HIIT is good quick bursts & your body doesnt get the chance to get into its comfort zone. AN EXAMPLE lets take a bodybuilder ( who are well in tune with there body & what works best for them ) is doing cardio for 30 minutes five days a week. If he/she were at a sticking point, trying to burn off the final few pounds to reveal dazzling muscularity, The advice would be to do three 30-minute sessions on both a Saturday and Sunday. Nothing crazy, but at a level of intensity on par with an easy walk is sufficient to influence the body to tap deep into stubborn fat stores it might normally wish to hold onto. Surprised ??? This wouldnt be recommend every weekend - maybe every other weekend during the six weeks preceding a competition or other event you are trying to get to lose the weight for. 💪 Myhiitcamp Bootcamp https://m.facebook/profile.php?id=481271441952932
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:05:53 +0000

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