Interesting article: Poverty-stricken men and 70 - TopicsExpress


Interesting article: Poverty-stricken men and 70 virgins Exclusive: Ben Kinchlow considers strategy behind 11 missing commercial airliners Published: 19 hours ago Ben Kinchlow About | Email | Archive Ben Kinchlow is a minister, broadcaster, author and businessman. His latest book is Black Yellowdogs. He was the long-time co-host of CBNs The 700 Club television program and host of the international edition of the show, seen in more than 80 countries. He is the founder of Americans for Israel and the African American Political Awareness Coalition, and the author of several books. Subscribe to feed Text smaller Text bigger0I hate to sound like a recording glitch, but on several occasions I have attempted to point out that the people with whom we are in conflict in the Middle East don’t think like we think. The most dramatic evidence of this was the recent beheading of two journalists by ISIS, or ISIL, (whatever the current label) terrorists. Make no mistake, these are not patriots, freedom fighters or defenders of liberty; they are terrorists, pure and simple. It is absolutely ludicrous to think one can negotiate with such individuals. Negotiation involves a measure of give and take on both sides, and ISIS is not the least bit interested in giving – only taking. I am not quite sure exactly what it will take to impress this truth on the minds of those responsible for the security of the West, and America in particular. Israel, recognizing the imminent danger to itself and others, has refused to be bullied by the terrorists, or Israel’s so-called allies. Israelis are fully aware that to these terrorists the only acceptable solution is dead Jews, thus the indiscriminate firing of rockets at Israeli cities, including schools and hospitals. Unlike Israel, they give no advance warning. The Israelis are not deceived; whether called Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah or Islamic jihad, the goal is the same: the complete annihilation of the state of Israel. Meanwhile, back in the good ol’ U.S., the anniversary of Sept. 11 is rapidly approaching, an event that is celebrated worldwide by Islamist terrorists such as ISIS. The event would have been even more widely celebrated had President Bush not taken “shock and awe” into Iraq (considered the home of the terrorists). Please note that these so-called freedom fighters have threatened both the “little Satan” (Israel) and the “great Satan” (America) with acts of violence. While we solemnly remember Sept. 11, let’s recall Muslim extremists are also remembering that date, but not with sadness. These terrorists have promised each other, and us, there will be additional assaults on the “great Satan,” even while we attempt to placate Islamist militants. It is interesting to note that among the items missing from recent attacks by Libyan terrorists are 11 airliners. I saw pictures of Libyan terrorists celebrating the capture of said planes. (The group Libyan Dawn recently released photos of themselves celebrating the capture of the airliners.) This brings up an extremely interesting potential scenario. There are numerous concepts that could be played out, but let’s briefly examine just one. And remember, they don’t think like we think. Islam prohibits suicide. Now you probably think blowing yourself with a bomb-laden vest or tripping the switch on a truckload of dynamite to kill someone is suicidal. However, in jihad (holy war), blowing up oneself to kill infidels is not considered suicide. First, you must begin with some simple, hard facts. For starters, extreme poverty is rampant in most Middle Eastern, Muslim-controlled countries. Additionally, females are sold to become wives, some as young as seven years of age. (Muhammad wed one of his wives, Aisha, when she was six or seven and consummated the marriage at age nine, according to Ibn Hisham, editor of Muhammad’s biography.) Since most Middle East Muslim males cannot, and will not be able to, afford to purchase a wife, they have only a poverty-stricken single life to look forward to. Enter the promise to “shahids” (martyrs). In Islam, being a suicide bomber is not considered suicide but being a martyr dying for the cause, who will, therefore, receive a martyr’s reward. What is the Islamic martyr’s reward? “A Palestinian religious leader explained that this is authentic Islam, whose purpose is to ‘fill Muslims with desire for Paradise’”: “He [Muhammad] said (in a Hadith, Islamic tradition): “‘[There is] a palace of pearls in Paradise and in it seventy courts of ruby … And in each court [there are] seventy houses of green emerald stone. In every house, seventy beds. On every bed, seventy mattresses of every color and on every mattress a woman’ (Hadith). “The writing of the Prophet [Muhammad in this Hadith] … is intended to fill Muslims with desire for Paradise … to be worthy of it, because only three dwell there: Prophets, Righteous and Shahids (Martyrs for Allah)” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 2, 2004). So there in the Middle East you have thousands of poverty-stricken young men with no hope of marriage, offered a perpetual paradise of virgins and all he has to do is kill infidels (no minimum number given). Now, suddenly, there are 11 commercial airliners missing in Libya. The following is probably the thought process initiating among the jihadists. The mother of a friend of mine would begin her instructions thusly, “Here’s what do”: “Capture villages full of infidels, place them in the airliners, man the planes with shahids and launch them against places like the USAF Academy, Las Vegas casinos and Times Square, perhaps Chicago, Washington, D.C., etc. If they shoot them down, the infidels themselves will kill hundreds of other infidels, and if not, we will when the planes crash into the targets.” Now let me ask you a question: If you had the choice between living your entire life in abject poverty under the heel of dictator, with no hope of ever marrying, or living in perpetual paradise with 72 perpetual virgins, wouldn’t your mantra be in the arena of, “Let me get this right …”?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:55:17 +0000

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