Interesting article on Yale defining what a proper body type is. - TopicsExpress


Interesting article on Yale defining what a proper body type is. Like the author, I am also 52 and although my weight is considerable higher than her 90 pounds now, I was 95 pounds until I got pregnant with Landon. I experienced more body shaming at 95 pounds than I do now by a long-shot with well-meaning people constantly telling me to eat a cheeseburger or to put some meat on my bones. Like the author, I also just simply had great metabolism and ate what I wanted at that stage. It was not uncommon for Anna Rolley and I to have an entire pan of brownies for dinner in college. Im troubled by the university policing someones body type and I think if this were reversed and they were making an overweight person diet constantly and come in for blood draws, etc., and threatening expulsion if the student could not get to a healthy weight, people would be in an uproar. Where is the outrage for the body shaming here?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:39:37 +0000

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