Interesting extract from the Friends of Bolsover Parks website. - TopicsExpress


Interesting extract from the Friends of Bolsover Parks website. Also, looking at this & the Old Bolsover Town Council website, the Hornscroft Park comes under the jurisdiction of the Town Council - not BDC, although there are clearly close links, some people being councillors on both or spouses being on one or the other. 1990s - to-date Swimming Baths We cannot describe the history of Hornscroft Park without writing about swimming baths. Bolsover had a swimming baths in Carr Vale, a legacy of the Old Bolsover Colliery Company. Due to high repair and maintenance costs Bolsover District Council (BDC) closed the baths in 1990. Campaign group Bolsover Leisure & Baths (BLAB) through years of campaigning and community fund raising got to the point in 2002 where it looked like a £4.5m Leisure Complex would be built on Hornscroft Park. Plans included a 25m swimming pool, health suite, dance studio, gym, IT training room, plus community function hall, meeting rooms and cafe. BLABs long campaign to bring leisure facilities to Bolsover appeared to be successful. Old Bolsover Town Council (OBTC) agreed to lease the Hornscroft site for 99-years at a peppercorn rent. BLAB gained the support of 40 partnership groups and was seeking Lottery funding. Hopes were high. Plans were approved to build using money from the sale of allotment land for housing development - but this was successfully opposed. And here the story goes cold. We are not privy to BDCs decisions why the Leisure Complex was never built. We do understand why some peoples resolute response is still: Why dont you build a swimming baths on Hornscroft Park, what happened to the money?
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:12:25 +0000

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