Interesting facts by someone : Modi’s Gujarat Vs Nitish - TopicsExpress


Interesting facts by someone : Modi’s Gujarat Vs Nitish Kumar’s Bihar: Tale of two Chief Ministers NITISH KUMAR’S BIHAR I am a businessman Born and brought up in Bihar. We are in international business and have our set up in Karnataka and Tamilnadu. I had left home in 1983 for studies. I am having 19 years of international exposure in the field of advance agriculture, protected cultivation and greenhouse technology. I was very happy when Mr. Nitish Kumar was elected 2nd term as a chief minister. The desire to serve the mother land made me write letter after letter on how I could make a difference in development of Agriculture in that state. I wrote four letters to the chief minister’s office and never got any response. On several occasions I wrote letters to the Secretary Agriculture trying to fix appointment to meet her. No one ever responded. After lot of effort and pulling all the strings I got an appointment with Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh (APC).I had prepared a presentation on the how Agriculture in Bihar could be transformed. The meeting got abruptly over in 30 seconds with a blunt reply from the APC “Bihar me development ka kam hum logon ka hai, ap log company wale hain apna kam kijiye, we don’t have to learn anything from you guys” This was the abrupt end of my short love affair with the mother land. The arrogance and humiliation by the bureaucracy was enough for me not to visit the state again ever since. NARENDRA MODI’S GUJARAT Our principals in Israel intend to set up a manufacturing plant in India. To explore the possibilities to set up this factory in Gujarat I wrote a letter to the office of Honorable Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Exactly after two days I got a call from the chief ministers office asking what was our expectation from the state? I was also informed that my one to one meeting for 15 minutes was fixed with Mr. Modi at 4.30 PM after 2 days. I really could not believe it. On the scheduled date I got another call from CM’s office reconfirming our meeting at 4.30 PM and venue of the meeting. I did not really believe that it will be one to one meeting. My perception was that probably Honorable Chief Minister will be there with his entire team of bureaucrats and it will never be a one to one meeting. I was quite nervous as never before I had met any person of the stature of Shri Narendra Modi. Honorable Chief Minister Mr. Modi was busy with Vibrant Gujarat Summit so our meeting got little delayed. After the summit was over Modi ji arrived at the venue of our meeting. I was sent inside in a room where Besides Chief Minister only Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary Agriculture were present. I was greeted by Shri Modi ji by my first name. His humbleness immediately comforted me. He won me over with his simplicity. He kept on speaking to me on different topics of mutual interest. What a keen learner he is? When the meeting got over I expressed the desire to get photographed with him. He called his photographer got our pictures clicked. We were given the business card of Officer on special duty of CM, Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary Agriculture with an assurance that we could directly approach them in case we need any help. After two days of the meeting our pictures with the chief minister was mailed to my personal ID. We get regular follow ups from the CM’s office about progress with our work and project. Have you come across any Govt. Machinery functioning is so differently? It was a heart pleasing and motivating experience to meet this great person. I leave it for the readers to judge the difference between two Chief Ministers approach towards Industry and common man. I don’t belong to any political party. Just thought of sharing my first hand experience with two contrasting chief ministers.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:21:26 +0000

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