Interesting.... https://youtube/user/ChristianRemedyInLaw The - TopicsExpress


Interesting.... https://youtube/user/ChristianRemedyInLaw The attached PDF is a scan of the REASONS FOR JUDGEMENT from the November 3, 2011 case between R. v. M. Paparella in which Justice of the Peace (JP) Kowarsky states that the Christian (given) name(s) cannot be transferred to any artificial dead person, corporation or trust and any document that purports (pretends) to do so is in and of itself invalid. Unfortunately, due to ignorance (lack of knowledge) and consent the whole God-less (secular) world operates on the basis of lawful voluntary feudal slavery but the lawful voluntary feudal slaves do not understand they are in that system. To be clear, I believe that the evil people operating this God-less (secular) world have not told the puppets in government and the artificial rules under the Legal system that operates the artificial world through lawyers. The fact is that I believe that most people do not realize that they have attached themselves to a Thing that is artificial and dead. In fact, most people would argue this ignorance to their deaths. And, if you were the one profiting off this artificial system of things you would certainly argue that such a system does not exist so that you could continue to make sick profits from peoples voluntary ignorance. And, if you were profiting from such an artificial system you may want to deny the fact that this entire artificial system of dead Things came from the father of the lie, Satan the devil, because you would want to believe the lie that you were not profiting from the misery of the whole world. So, what is this vague and nebulous (cloudy, hazy) system of artificial dead Things that almost everyone has attached themselves to? In order to understand you must do some actual reading and research. May I suggest that you start with the VITAL STATISTICS ACT so that you comprehend what the God-less (secular) birth registration system actually is, and what it is not, for the system does not hide the fact that the secular birth registration system does NOT register people! Did you catch that? The secular birth registration system does NOT register people! The Provincial (State) BIRTH CERTIFICATE and the Federal CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE does not register a living individual (see attached ALBERTA GOVERNMENT SERVICES letter and item #4 specifically). I have in my possession a number of letters from the Province of Ontario Office of the Registrar General (ORG) that says the same thing, specifically, they say, To be clear, the ORG is responsible for registering information about events. The ORG does not register people. Ecclesiastes 9:2 [King James Version AllH3605 things come alikeH834 to all:H3605 there is oneH259 eventH4745 to the righteous,H6662 and to the wicked;H7563 to the goodH2896 and to the clean,H2889 and to the unclean;H2931 to him that sacrificeth,H2076 and to him that sacrificethH834 H2076 not:H369 as is the good,H2896 so is the sinner;H2398 and he that sweareth,H7650 asH834 he that fearethH3372 an oath.H7621 [see STRONGS CONCORDANCE OR ESWORD FOR THE MEANING OF THE HEBREW WORDS] Voluntary consent removes Mistake and that piece of ignorance (lack of knowledge) is what gets you into the God-less (secular) world of FRAUD and enters you into the artificial system of Things. But, in-voluntary Mistake removes consent. For who would have joined the evil God-less (secular) world of fiction --- and a fiction is a lie --- had they been given full disclosure of what the implied and expressed God-less (secular) social contracts involved in the first place? I believe nobody would have knowingly entered into such an evil God-less (secular) social contract! The unfortunate reality is that most people lack the knowledge, courage and time to research the fact that they had individually ignorantly volunteered and consented themselves into an evil system of lawful feudal slavery by their own Mistake. And, due to a lifetime of indoctrination, confusion, deceit and fear, even fewer people will take the step required to remove themselves from this evil God-less (secular) system of things. But, that is a cop-out or excuse for staying in the evil system of things. You as an individual have the free will and right to self-determination so that you can choose to either stay in the evil system of things or get out of it. Although the evil system will continue to exist as long as there are ignorant people that consent to participate in the evil system, But, this wrong rationale can wrongly be used to wrongly claim that there is nothing you can do to escape from the system of evil --- which is simply not true. The simple fact is that if you can volunteer into a God-less (secular) system of evil you can also volunteer out of the system of evil. The key thing that determines whether something is lawful or not is your consent. Its the same thing with slavery. If you volunteer into slavery then your voluntary slavery is lawful. However, involuntary slavery is not lawful. Therefore, if you do not consent to be a slave you must do your research to discover how you volunteered into the system of voluntary slavery and then reverse your involuntary Mistake. You will have a amazing head start if you read the VITAL STATISTICS ACT so that you understand that it creates an infrastructure to facilitate a voluntary false offer to join the evil system of voluntary slavery. In other words, if you want to be part of the club you must be a member and membership comes with club rules, duties, debts, obligations and privileges --- all of which may be against your best interests. But, the Public club for the collective, masses or aggregate is not concerned with your individual best interests because It is only concerned with Its selfish Public Interests. Therefore, you must ask and answer the question as to what differentiates your individual status from the status of being a member of the collective (aggregate, common, Public)? Does the aggregate, common, collective, club of the Public have a membership card? Yes it does and it is called the Provincial (State) BIRTH CERTIFICATE and the Federal CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE and you had ignorantly applied, volunteered and consented to ask for it and use it. But, there is a big problem with the Public membership card. So, I bring you back to the original message at the top of this email communication. The opening paragraph is therefore worth repeating: The attached PDF is a scan of the REASONS FOR JUDGEMENT from the November 3, 2011 case between R. v. M. Paparella in which Justice of the Peace (JP) Kowarsky states that the Christian (given) name(s) cannot be transferred to any artificial dead person, corporation or trust and any document that purports (pretends) to do so is in and of itself invalid. If you have not yet figured this out yet please allow me to help you out. You see there are two separate entities involved in this Issue. The VITAL STATISTICS ACT like to call their artificial dead entity member of the Public an Issue of conception --- this artificial dead entity is the Legal Person and It has a Legal Name --- just remember that what is Legal is artificial and dead! It is a fiction and a fiction is a lie. Did you perhaps ignorantly apply, volunteer and consent to use a lie? IN ALL DUE RESPECT, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, YES YOU DID! You may not know it, but the artificial dead Legal name of the artificial dead Legal person that was created on the artificial dead Public membership card --- the BIRTH CERTIFICATE and/or CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE --- is NOT you and it is NOT your property. Well, technically half of it is yours and the other half is not yours; but, when you use the half that is not yours in law what happens is that you get sub-summed into the Public club by assumption because you are Deemed to be one and the same as the artificial dead legal name and legal person until you object to the lie! You see, in law FRAUD is not FRAUD as long as you continue to volunteer and consent to continue to be a member of the Public club of FRAUD. This reminds me of Shakespeares soliloquy asking, To be or not to be .... to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ? So, just remember these facts: - God created you in Gods Image. Mans evil system of things re-created you in mans false image. - You have a real and proper name, and the Public club added an unnecessary addition surname that identifies criminals and debtors and this artificial dead criminal was arrested on the date of birth. - You consented to apply and volunteer to use property that is not yours --- the criminal debtor surname--- and every time you use it you must pay a custom, duty, fee, licence, royalty or tax for its use because it is not your property. - Due to your lack of knowledge (ignorance) you never discovered the fact in law that you had applied and volunteered and consented to be the surety (guarantor, warrantor) for the debt of a stranger. - Due to your lack of knowledge (ignorance) or your free will choice and self-determination you denied your true Maker, Creator and Father, God, and Gods free graced (gifted) Pardon for your Mistake by accepting Christ Jesus as your Saviour and Surety in all matters whatsoever under your original real and proper God-given unalienable Christian (given) name on its own. - Just remember, your Christian name is private and not part of the God-less (secular) world. - The criminal debtor surname is Public and not your property. If you consent to have your Christian name joined (attached) to the God-less (secular) unbeliever (criminal, debtor, war) surname you become subsumed into God-less (secular) society and you become surety for their debt. Re-read the first paragraph and the rest of the explanation a few times and you may see the way out of the evil system of things. Read James 4:4 and Revelation 18:4 for further direction as to whether you wish to volunteer and consent to be part of good or evil. Website:
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:47:27 +0000

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