Interesting piece with regards to the upcoming referendum, more - TopicsExpress


Interesting piece with regards to the upcoming referendum, more specifically discussing the changes to our constitutional law and human rights protection. This is just an article Ive found interesting. I made my mind up how Ill vote a while ago. Im just reading up on different articles from both sides of the debate to be sure that Ive made what I believe is the right decision before voting tomorrow. However, my mere act of sharing an article will no doubt help to trigger more of the following type of posts, which are FAR more infuriating than any discussion of the referendum: OMG soo sik of all deez fasebook statuses abowt diz refarendum! Wish Ppl wud stop forcin dere opinyunz down our froatz! Itz supozd 2 b a seecrit vote any way! Firstly, its a secret ballot, not a secret vote. The whole point of democracy is to allow individuals to speak freely and openly about how the country is run, should be run and to hold those responsible to account. Basic freedom of speech. I think its a great thing to see so many people engaged with the issue, and for the majority of situations see people sensibly debating with each other. Its also a true credit to all of the citizens of the UK that this kind of change can potentially come about peacefully and democratically, without resulting in terrorism and loss of life, which has sadly been the case in numerous similar situations throughout history. Long may that continue. So, apologies for clogging up your newsfeed by using social media to share and discuss important issues, such as the future of our country! After tomorrow you can go back to using Facebook for things that really matter, like posting selfies of yourself pished, or photos of your dinner...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:33:48 +0000

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