Interesting read. As we now have less than 100 days until the time - TopicsExpress


Interesting read. As we now have less than 100 days until the time to vote, awareness to the truth about a YES vote is rising to the surface. This will be the first time I have ever voted as I believe this is not a political vote as it is not a vote for SNP and Salmond. This IS a vote to own our power, our voices, our now and our future. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Let us do something different. Let us BE the change we wish to see. This is the opportunity we have been gifted with and it certainly wont happen again in my life time. We as Scots can make a difference now. I invite you, if you have not already, to educate yourself to what Scottish Independence truly means, which probably requires turning the tv off from the utter tripe that is portrayed there on this subject, and speaking to your neighbour, to independent groups, to your fellow Scots. I personally believe that there are no definite answers to what our future will look like but we have an opportunity now to be a part of creating that. For the first time in my life I feel I have a voice and opportunity to be part of a Country that truly reflects its people, rather than reflecting the vision of a political party which has to be said, has never truly served us. A YES vote is a vote for radical change. A YES vote will be the invitation to being the change we wish to see. A YES vote will be THE opportunity to bring all of us SCOTS, who call this land our home, together in community!!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 09:08:45 +0000

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