Interesting read. Everything You Need To Know About The Israel - TopicsExpress


Interesting read. Everything You Need To Know About The Israel vs. Palestine Conflict -by Chad Harris I sincerely beg of all of you to find some time out of your schedule to read this. If you pay any attention to social media at all, I am sure that most of you have heard that Israel and Palestine are currently involved in an extremely gruesome war. Some of your friends have voiced their support for Israel, and some have voiced their support for Palestine. You may think you know what is going on, but if you are honest with yourself, have you really taken the time to do independent research on your own behalf? I hadnt until recently. After many sleepless nights and countless hours of in depth studying I learned so much that I cannot live another day without sharing what I believe is knowledge that no one can afford not to know. I know this post is long but I have tried very hard to make it engaging and easy to read. Introduction: First of all, it is critically important to understand that contrary to popular belief this is not a war between religions. This is not Jews vs. Muslims. It is Israel vs. Palestine. Religion has nothing to do with the war. I have many friends who have quickly jumped on the bandwagon of supporting Israel solely because they associate Israel with Christianity and Palestine with Terrorism. Americans are quick to post a, God Bless Israel but I believe if they knew the truth behind the war they would not be so quick to support Israel and their real motives. The History: The history behind how this war started is very important. Most people assume that Israel has been under Jewish rule for hundreds of years. This couldnt be further from the truth. The Jews havent controlled Israel since they were conquered by Babylon in 567 B.C. Babylon was in turn conquered by Persia, who was then conquered by the Greeks, (Alexander the Great) who were then conquered by the Roman Empire who then ruled for a very long time. Eventually, the land we call Israel was conquered and controlled by the Arabs and has stayed in their control (through the crusades) since the 7th century A.D. (Over 1200 years). Furthermore, if you look at every geographic map from the 7th century until 1948, you will find that there is no Israel on any map. In its place you would find an Arab territory called Palestine. Israel did not exist between their exiling and 1948. So what happened in 1948? The Jews Come To Palestine: In 1947 there were roughly a million Arabs living in Palestine compared to about 175,000 Jews (most of who had flew Europe during World War II). The Arabs were a very peaceful community consisting of mostly farmers, with little to no military power. Technically at the time they were part of what was called the Ottoman Empire, meaning they were a providence that was controlled by the British government. At the end of World War II there were so many Jews who had fled the European countries in the war for fear of persecution from the Nazis that there was no place for them to go. To put it simply, the United States pushed the United Nations to relocate all Jews to Palestine and give them their own state, called Israel, using British military support. In addition to military force, they took the land that was controlled by the Palestinians and actually sold it to the Jews! Palestinians could do nothing against the powerful military of England and the Jews, backed by the UN, quickly took over the key cities of Palestine. At the end of 1947 the British announced that they would be evacuating their military support now that the Jews had settled in by May 15th, 1948. What do you think happened after all British military left? Today the Israelis allege that the Palestine war began with the entry of the Arab armies into Palestine after 15 May 1948. But that was the second phase of the war; they overlook the massacres, expulsions and dispossessions which took place prior to that date and which necessitated Arab states’ intervention. Please read the following paragraph carefully. The Deir Yassin Massacre Of Palestinians By Jewish Soldiers: “For the entire day of April 9, 1948, Jewish soldiers carried out the slaughter in a cold and premeditated fashion...The attackers ‘lined men, women and children up against the walls and shot them,’...The ruthlessness of the attack on Deir Yassin shocked Jewish and world opinion alike, drove fear and panic into the Arab population, and led to the flight of unarmed civilians from their homes all over the country.” Israeli author, Simha Flapan, “The Birth of Israel.” This cold, dark, bloody day was the birthday of modern day Israel. In almost every village occupied by us during the War of Independence, acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’” As a result of this 700,000 Palestinians, having literally no military whatsoever, fled Palestine. Israel, wanting not a single Arab in their newly found nation completely destroyed every Palestine village, In the winter of 1949, the first winter of exile for more than seven hundred fifty thousand Palestinians, was cold and hard...Families huddled in caves, abandoned huts, or makeshift tents...Many of the starving were only miles away from their own vegetable gardens and orchards in occupied Palestine — the new state of Israel...At the end of 1949 the United Nations finally acted. It set up the United Nations Relief and Works Administration (UNRWA) to take over sixty refugee camps from voluntary agencies. It managed to keep people alive, but only barely. Fast forward to today. Palestine has been almost completely wiped out. As of today their providence of Gaza numbers at 1.7 million (which is about 1/5th of the population of New York City). They control a territory called the Gaza Strip with Israel surrounding them and their backs to the Mediterranean Sea. There is little to no military and almost the entire population are innocent citizens. In addition to this they have many citizens scattered throughout what is called the West Bank. But What About The Terrorists? Yes, there is a small group of Palestinian terrorists called the Hamas who were founded in 1987 and who have committed acts of terrorism towards Israel. The majority of them state their reason is to avenge their loved ones who have been brutally raped and murdered before their eyes. Can you see now why they hate Israel so much? I do not support their means at all, but throwing all of the blame of this war on Palestine because of these terrorists is wrong. If you would like to see real terrorism than I invite you to watch the video I have attached to this post. Israeli women and male children ages 5-12 are interviewed about what they want to do when they grow up. All of them respond by saying they hope to kill as many Arabs as their fathers, and with smiles and laughter on their faces. Israel shockingly resembles a modern day Nazi Germany. (See Video) Want To Hear Even Worse News? The United States Government is helping Israel. U.S. support for Israel emerges in several ways: financial, military and diplomatic. While most Americans believe that U.S. foreign aid goes to the poorest people in the poorest countries, Israel (wealthier than a number of European Union member countries) receives 25 percent of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget. Since 1976 Israel has been the highest recipient of U.S. foreign aid in the world. The congressional aid comes to about $1.8 billion a year in military aid and $1.2 billion in economic aid, plus another $1 billion or so in miscellaneous grants, mostly in military supplies, from various U.S. agencies. Tax-exempt contributions destined to Israel bring up the total to over $5 billion annually. Here is another scary statistic for you. Israel has the 11th most powerful military in the world, while Palestine isnt even in the top 100. The United States uses the American media to twist the truth and make Israel look like the oppressed and Gaza as an evil terrorist group. It is easy to do since they are an Arab nation and it supports Americas anti-terrorist agenda. Yet, it is the opposite of the truth! In Conclusion: Some still might argue that Israel acted defensively. To those I would respond with this. How does a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone elses lands? The answer is that it does not. Israel is the aggressor. The maps of Israel then and now prove it. (See Attached Picture) The only thing that you and I can do is spread awareness so that one day enough of us can stop our own government from supporting Israel. It is the only chance for Palestines survival. A good portion of my research has come from Jews for Justice in The Middle East and Jewish Voice For Peace which are groups of Jews who do not support the evil of Israel. There is a staggering amount of Jews who actively oppose the wrongdoings of Israel and the number is growing daily. Thank you all so much for your time in reading this. All links I used to support this post are attached below next to their appropriate paragraph. Please refrain from commenting below, all comments will be deleted except for those tagging friends in an effort to share. If you wish to interact with me please either like and share this post or message me directly. #FreePalestine History: The Jews Come To Palestine: The Deir Yassin Massacre Of Palestinians By Jewish Soldiers: ifameri But What About The Terrorists? vidmax/video/72125-Very-young-Israeli-children-are-interviewed-about-their-future-in-the-war-against-Arabs Want To Hear Even Worse News? globalfirepower/countries-listing.asp In Conclusion: whatreallyhappened/WRHARTICLES/mapstellstory.html Attached Picture:
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:29:07 +0000

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