Interesting read Party girls: she likes to run the streets, - TopicsExpress


Interesting read Party girls: she likes to run the streets, club, & drink but wants commitment. Doesnt every girl do these things? Who cares if she goes out and does a little drinking? I trust my girl to stay loyal. Arent you a hypocrite if you do these things but expect her not to? Before you let yourself invest any considerable amount of time or emotion in a woman, you must screen out the women who are most likely to become a liability later on down the line. Im talking about something very specific here; Im talking about avoiding committed or long-term relationships with women who put themselves in positions where the temptation and ability to stray is significantly higher than it needs to be. The lack of commitment in these kinds of relationships tends to creep up more with time. There are several problems with your woman straying that everybody is aware of: You can catch an STD or two. She can rope you into supporting another mans child. Her purity is tainted. there are other problems that straying introduces into your relationship too, and to my mind these are just as big, or even bigger, than those former problems: Your girl starts treating you colder and less well. She begins to be increasingly disinterested in you and disrespectful toward you. Anything or idea you have goes in one ear out the other. She begins to act as if you are dirt and she is above you... better than you. This is because she has options and you do not. The balance of power distinctly and significantly shifts in the relationship, and she is now above you and you are now beneath her. Across the board, this will undermine your confidence, sabotage your efforts to focus on ANYTHING besides her. & FORCE you to begin to chase after her if youre to stay with her. Shes pulling away; you can either sever the connection, or give chase. Most men give chase. When youre chasing women, you also arent working on the other important areas of your life, caught up as you are emotionally in this all-consuming whirlwind of emotional torment and destruction. Just like you wouldnt pick someone lazy to be your friend when you have ambition and need fresh ideas or encouragement and belief. You wouldnt pick a woman liable to sick chaos upon you as a relationship partner, either. Sure - while things are good and all is well, a girl who loves parties and nightclubs and bars getting wasted and flirting with men is going to (probably) keep it just to that. It wont go any further, and wont cause you any unneeded headaches. Youll be able to mostly relax, and enjoy your relationship. Still focus on the things that are important to you. Yet, the moment things get heavy when situations & problems pop up. Whether those problems are with her or with the relationship or theyre with other things in your life. She becomes a bit dissatisfied, she has easy access to a a short-term fix... A nice distraction from you, who isnt giving her everything she needs right now. As soon as you notice her start pulling away, and you start stressing out or chasing, guess what? Whatever problems you had just multiplied a hundred fold. The fact is, MOST girls are NOT party girls. Most girls do not: Get drunk / smashed / wasted (ever) Hang out in nightclubs (ever) Have wild girls nights out (ever) Shocking? No, not really. You see these girls on TV and think theyre everywhere, or you meet them at the club and think every girl is like them... but theyre not. These women represent a minority of the women out there. You know what most women do on a Friday night? They read books. Watch movies. Talk to friends on the cell phone. I almost forgot there were girls like this back when I was immersed in the club lifestyle. But once you start meeting women during the daytime, your perspective shifts back the other way. Pick a Girl for the Right Role One guy spends 20 hours a week playing basketball. Another spends 15 hours a week playing football. Which guy do you put on your basketball team, and which one do you put on your football team? Likewise, one girl spends her nights partying, clubbing, drinking, dancing, and flirting. Another girl spends her nights talking to you, friends, cooking, reading, and finding ways to better herself. Which girl do you have a really fun fling with, and which girl do you take on as a girlfriend? Its not hard... but many men make it hard. Because that big booty girl they met at the club is the hottest girl theyve met in months anywhere. She tipsy easy going was an easy f###. So they figure theyll just mold and shape her into the way they want her. Because they refuse to accept that people are the way they are, and theres not a damn thing you can do to change that. You dont craft a girl into what you want. You find a woman who is already what you want. A mans wife may make him or break him. This extends every bit to his girlfriends and lovers, too. Just as you are most likely going to be her closest friend and #1 supporter. Shes going to be your closest friend and #1 supporter, too. The people you keep close to you have the greatest impact on the direction of your life. The emotions you feel, the level of focus, dedication, and concentration you have (or not), and your self-esteem. Few will ever be closer to you than the women in your life. By taking a girl on as a partner of yours, you are handing her the keys to your inner world. Once there, she can either help build you up and drive you onto success... ... or, she can tear you down, piece by piece, and destroy everything you stand for and strive for.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:57:57 +0000

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