Interesting read....St. Patrick, who was he really? Why would a - TopicsExpress


Interesting read....St. Patrick, who was he really? Why would a man be canonized {declared to be a saint} just because he supposedly got rid of all the snakes in Ireland? Well check this! Most of you probably never heard of the Twa. The Twa are a pygmy {small race of people} tribe from Africa that has a history that pre-dates the story of Adam & Eve by almost 8500 years. The Twa journeyed to Northern Ireland very early in its conception prior to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church & had a cultural, technological, & philosophical impact on a people there known as the Druids. One of the cultural influences the Druids got from the Twa was the fact that they wore a fez or head cover that depicted the African symbol known is a Uraeus, which is the same snake image you see worn by the Kings & Queens in ancient Kemet {Egypt}.Now, the Roman Catholic Church seeing the practices of the Druids wanted to convert them, and if they couldnt, they would remove them & their beliefs as well along with the Twa who were still present in Northern Ireland at that time. This guy now known as ST PATRICK was given an order to set up Roman Catholic Churches all over Northern Ireland, and in the process, convert or remove the Druid & Twa influence. Guess which one Mr. Patrick carried out??????? He killed countless numbers of Druids & the Twa in the name of Father, the Son, & the Holy spirit.So when you hear people tell you that he was made a saint because he removed the snakes from Northern Ireland, its really referring to the Uraeus head garment worn by the Druids & the Twa. And the leprechaun myth comes from the short Black men that were murdered all in the name of religion.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:42:52 +0000

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