Interesting reads, part 13. Today; the effects of the attention - TopicsExpress


Interesting reads, part 13. Today; the effects of the attention economy, the secret life [and poetry] of passwords; the cost of novel-writing; travel, an exercise in narcissism?; putting time in perspective; economists and self-belief; atomic clocks; the flaw in student course evaluations; why top think tanks dont think [about science]; uncertainty is an impossible sell; cultural genocide; the risks of Korean unification; the secret history of hermits; Roman concrete; NASAs Orion; Revolt of the Maccabees; an ancient, habitable Mars; reviving the fear of nuclear war?; the Magnus Effect & cyllinder wings; technology vs. memory?; Life on a flat Earth; Soviet space shenanigans; Why we never went back to the moon; Forced Compliance; New economic thinking; Why is Al Qaeda so strong?; College Fraternities; law enforcement & military gear; the future of philosophy in the Netherlands?; the flaw of polygraphs; Irans nuclear deal; Watsons Nobel Prize sale; the Vatican rethinks nuclear deterrence; Moscow after the USSR collapse; Israel & the media; typeset in Alien; Arthur C. Clarke on society; The New Republic ranks the minds of the century. In the Future, Our Attention Will be Sold The Secret Life of Passwords mobile.nytimes/2014/11/19/magazine/the-secret-life-of-passwords.html?referrer= How Much My Novel Cost Me https://medium/@emilygould/how-much-my-novel-cost-me-35d7c8aec846?src=longreads Has Travel Become Another Exercise in Narcissism? https://medium/human-parts/has-travel-becoming-another-exercise-in-narcissism-bfb3ccbcdc3a Putting Time In Perspective waitbutwhy/2013/08/putting-time-in-perspective.html The status of economists--The power of self-belief economist/news/finance-and-economics/21635524-new-paper-looks-how-economists-became-so-influential-power-self-belief?fsrc=scn/fb/te/bl/ed/powerofselfbelief Why Atomic Clocks Are the Most Reliable Timekeepers in the World io9/why-atomic-clocks-are-the-most-reliable-timekeepers-in-1664992660 Student Course Evaluations Get An F The Top Think Tanks Arent Thinking About Science io9/the-top-think-tanks-arent-thinking-about-science-1665107428 Uncertainty Is An Impossible Sell wmbriggs/blog/?p=14912 Atrocities, Culture and religion: Wars Many Victims: economist/blogs/erasmus/2014/12/atrocities-culture-and-religion?fsrc=scn%2Ffb%2Fte%2Fbl%2Fed%2Fwarsmanyvictims The dream of a Korean unification aljazeera/indepth/opinion/2014/11/dream-korean-unification-2014111565039906410.html The Secret History of Hermits io9/the-secret-history-of-hermits-1666040708 How the Ancient Romans Made Better Concrete Than We Do Now io9/how-the-ancient-romans-made-better-concrete-than-we-do-1672632593 Meet Orion, NASAs New Deep Space Explorer space.io9/meet-orion-nasas-new-deep-space-explorer-1663858997 The Revolt of the Maccabees: The true story behind Hanukkah haaretz/mobile/.premium-1.630770?v=F9D284FB469CD7D648C1D778B8567818 Ancient Mars May Have Been More Habitable Than We Thought io9/ancient-mars-may-have-been-more-habitable-than-we-thoug-1668711727 A Time for Revisiting Real Fears---Sobering Relics of a Nuclear Threat That Has Spread nytimes/2014/11/18/science/sobering-relics-of-a-nuclear-threat-that-has-spread.html?ref=science&_r=0 This Weird Vintage Airplane Flies With Cylinders Instead Of Wings io9/this-weird-vintage-airplane-flies-with-cylinders-instea-1663010423 Technology Is Ruining Our Memories—And Also Might Be Making Us Smarter newrepublic/article/120541/study-outsourcing-memory-technology-helps-you-learn What Would Life Be Like On A Flat Earth? io9/what-would-life-be-like-on-a-flat-earth-1667934297 The laser-toting Soviet satellite that almost sparked a space arms race Cosmonauts Used to Carry Insane Machete Guns In Space io9/cosmonauts-used-to-carry-insane-machete-guns-in-space-1658486907 The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon io9/the-real-story-of-apollo-17-and-why-we-never-went-ba-1670503448 Sometimes The Best Way To Change Peoples Minds Is Outright Tyranny io9/sometimes-the-best-way-to-change-peoples-minds-is-outri-1659521064 Anders Denken om Nieuwe Crises te Bezweren I Was With Fidel Castro When JFK Was Assassinated newrepublic/article/120460/fidel-castro-reaction-kennedy-assassination-cuba Why’s Al Qaeda So Strong? Washington Has (Literally) No idea thedailybeast/articles/2014/11/09/why-s-al-qaeda-so-strong-washington-has-literally-no-idea.html Why I Quit My College Fraternity mic/articles/93384/why-i-quit-my-college-fraternity?src=longreads Dressed to Suppress: Will Decreasing Police Use of Military Gear Prevent Another Ferguson? newyorker/science/maria-konnikova/will-decreasing-police-use-military-gear-prevent-another-ferguson De dag dat leren nadenken te duur werd bevonden [and the reply:] Filosoof, ga naar Delft Polygraphs Do Not Work… Why Do We Still Use Them? fromquarkstoquasars/polygraphs-do-not-work-why-do-we-still-use-them/ Iran will do a deal with the west – but only if there’s no loss of dignity theguardian/commentisfree/2014/nov/18/iran-nuclear-deal-west-dignity-revolution?CMP=twt_gu Whats a Nobel Prize worth? -- James Watson puts his Nobel Prize up for auction america.aljazeera/watch/shows/techknow/articles/2014/12/1/whata-s-a-nobel-worth.html The Pope Says Nuclear Deterrence Is No Longer A Justifiable Doctrine io9/the-pope-says-nuclear-deterrence-is-no-longer-a-justifi-1668285136 What Life Was Like on Moscows Streets After the USSR Collapsed newrepublic/article/120503/what-moscow-was-after-dissolution-ussr-1992 What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel theatlantic/international/archive/2014/11/how-the-media-makes-the-israel-story/383262/?utm_source=pocket&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pockethits Typeset In The Future: The Alien Edition typesetinthefuture/alien/ Arthur C. 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Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:07:29 +0000

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